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2011 University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection



作品投稿时间:2011年9月16日 ——2011年11月16日
截止时间 2011年11月16日 (邮局及电子信箱以收到为准,请提前邮寄)


一等奖: 1名 奖金     5000元人民币(税前)  证书
二等奖: 2名 奖金     3000元人民币(税前)  证书
三等奖: 3名 奖金     1000元人民币(税前)  证书
优秀奖: 50名        精美奖品    证书

一等奖: 1名 奖金 5000元人民币(税前) 证书
二等奖: 2名 奖金 3000元人民币(税前) 证书
三等奖: 3名 奖金 1000元人民币(税前) 证书
优秀奖: 50名 精美奖品 证书



中国日报网 二十一世纪报 中国新闻漫画网

北京大学 清华大学 上海交通大学 浙江大学 重庆大学 复旦大学 四川大学 山东大学 武汉大学 天津大学 厦门大学 同济大学 中山大学 中央美术学院 中国美术学院 中国传媒大学 中国科学技术大学 北京师范大学 北京理工大学 四川美术学院 湖北美术学院 天津美院 西安美术学院中国海洋大学 南开大学 江南大学 山东艺术学院 山东工艺美术学院 北京服装学院 北京电影学院 北京航空航天大学 北方工业大学 北京印刷学院 首都师范大学 北京林业大学 对外经济贸易大学 大连理工大学 山东理工大学 东南大学 中国石油大学 上海电影艺术学院


1) 参赛创意由参赛人自由发挥。表现手法不限。参赛作品数量不限。
2) 纸上作品的图幅不小于A4(210mm×297mm)大小。请在作品背面贴上参赛表:标题、姓名、院校、地址以及详细联系方式等。




地址:中国北京市朝阳区惠新东街11号紫光发展大厦B3座6层 新漫网 100029
电话:86-10-84883652 郑老师



4、对于所有参赛作品, 参赛者同意主办方拥有其参赛作品的使用权,主、承办方可以任何形式将参赛作品进行展示和传播,不另付酬。

2011 University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection
Contribution Welcome
Competition Rules

1. Theme: "The forests, and the green future"
Focus on the theme of the competition, though contributions relating to environment protection are also accepted.

2. Participants

1) All domestic and foreign university students (including PhD students, postgraduates, undergraduates, junior college students, overseas students, etc.)
2) People outside of school under 35 years old

3. Schedule:

Submissions will be accepted beginning September 16, 2011 The deadline for entries is November 16, 2011 (Please keep in mind, mail and e-mails should be received by the 15th)

4. Prize

Student group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certificate?

Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certificate

Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certificate

Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certificate

Monthly Champion: souvenir (Monthly Champions are chosen by number of link hits and through monthly votes throughout the competition.)

Social group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certificate?

Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certificate

Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certificate

Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certificate

5. Organizers

China Daily, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), EU-China Biodiversity Programme(ECBP), China Environmental Protection Foundation(CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society, China Daily Website, 21st Century

6. Requirements

1) There is no limitation of numbers of participant’s submission.

2) Paper submission should not be smaller than 210mm*297mm. Please mark the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information at the back.

3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the resolutions:

- 300 dpi (file size no bigger than 2MB)



- longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels

4) Criteria for paper submissions: title of the work, participant’s name, and the name of the college or university he or she attends are required, author’s pen name is optional.

Caption of email contribution should be at TXT format and include the title of the work, name, institute participant attends, address, and telephone number.

7. Submission Format

1) Register on the competition webpage, fill in your real information and upload your submission.

2) Email your submissions to: mhds@chinadaily.com.cn

3) Mail submissions to the address found below. Please write “Cartoon Contest” on the envelope.

8. Online Entry Form

All participants need to register for the competition by completing an entry form. Fill out the form as accurately and truthfully as possible. Photocopies are acceptable. Click to download here.

10. Contact Us

Address: New Cartoon, 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100029, P.R. China

Tel: 86-10-8488 3652 Mr. Zheng

Website: www.newscartoon.com.cn

Email: mhds@chinadaily.com.cn

10. Additional Key Points

1) No fees needed for the competition

2) Winning contributions will be displayed on News Cartoon

3) Monthly champions are selected according to the number of votes and views the submission receives.

4) Online votes and professional jury’s suggestion both have impact on the results

5) The result will be publicized on News Cartoon, as well as other newspapers or websites.

11. The Jury

1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts of environment-protection.

2) The winner will be announced on December, 2011

13. Copyrights

1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in contravention of the acknowledged moral standards.

2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.

3) News Cartoon reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.

4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions: the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.

5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is agreeing to accept all of the rules.

协 助 院 校 University partners
北京大学 清华大学 上海交通大学 浙江大学 重庆大学 复旦大学 四川大学 山东大学 武汉大学 天津大学 厦门大学 同济大学 中山大学
中央美术学院 中国美术学院 中国传媒大学 中国科学技术大学 北京师范大学 北京理工大学 四川美术学院 湖北美术学院 天津美院
西安美术学院 中国海洋大学 南开大学 江南大学 山东艺术学院 山东工艺美术学院 北京服装学院 北京电影学院 北京航空航天大学 北方工业大学
北京印刷学院 首都师范大学 北京林业大学 对外经济贸易大学 大连理工大学 山东理工大学 东南大学 中国石油大学 上海电影艺术学院
合作网站 Media partners
新浪 搜狐 腾讯网 网易 中华网
人民网 中国网 国际在线 千龙网 中青网 央视国际 大江网 长江网 浙江在线 中安在线 四川在线 云网 山西新闻网
设计在线 闪客帝国 闪吧 视觉联盟 中漫网 中国CG联盟 视觉同盟 设计联盟
联系地址 Contact information
中国北京市朝阳区惠新东街11号紫光发展大厦B3座6层 邮编:100029 中国新闻漫画网
电话:8610-84883652 84883657 传真:8610-84883600
6/F,B3 Tower,Ziguang Building,No.11 Huixin Dongjie,Bejing 100029 P.R,China Tel:+86(10)84883658 84883652 Fax:+86(10)84883600
网址:www.newscartoon.com.cn E-mail:mhds@chinadaily.com.cn