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  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-20 15:29|


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    # 1171楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-21 18:41|


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    # 1172楼

  • 尹成伟发表于2009-11-21 19:24|


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    # 1173楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-23 10:39|


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    # 1174楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-23 10:40|


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    # 1175楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-11-23 23:59|

    第二届意大利国际“SPORTHUMOR”(奥运的微笑 )画册出版。

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    # 1176楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-24 09:24|

    作者们可以参与更多的工作,每个组10(10),格言 , 并特别标明代码。
    该技术是他们自己的选择,最大尺寸/ 4。
    关于提交书面资料 , 应在工作背面。
    工程将接受最多: 一月11,2010年 ,最新的。
    三个主要奖项。  组展单位有权一些额外的奖金奖励。
    地址:工程应发送到:Van de zakdoekKnoff van NUCK „de hoofdweg Anton“.  De „spear oogsten Deuel om de echtgenoot te snijden is“ BB 2400 Si Ware Mi Chahe Macedonië (马其顿 )
    根据附注:据警句和漫画节 。
    电话:+ 389(0)34 322 182

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    # 1177楼

  • 尹成伟发表于2009-11-24 13:24|

    Within the 7th International Salon of comics "Veles 2009", based on previously announced contest "Golden Strip" awarded the following prizes:

    d “Golden comics ", 200 EU, receive a plaque and ceramics: Srdjan Nikolic - heat and Marko Stojanovic - two of Serbia  -comic work “Military story “

    • 2nd prize, a plaque and ceramics receive: Michael Petrush and Victor  Shauer - both from the Czech Republic for the comic work "God's Peace"

    • 3rd prize, a plaque and ceramics obtained by Igor Jovcevski – Macedonia- comic work "Watch"

    • Award by  Comic Centre of Macedonia  to Miroslav Mrva and Marko Stojanovic, two of Serbia's comic "South’s solace"

    • Award by Comics Centre of Macedonia: Milorad Vicanovik – Maza  (Bosnia and Herzegovina ) and Marko Stojanovic (Serbia) for the comic work  "Truths and Consequences"

    • Award for artistic expression: Andreas Antonos, Greece for the comic "A Dagger"

    • Best player to 18 d: Beatrice Petrovska, Skopje (13 y)

    • Award for the youngest participant: Sara Pankovska, Skopje (6 year)

    • Best Screenplay: Marko Stojanovic, Serbia

    • Award and mass collaboration: Elementary School “Grandfather Ilio Malesevski - Berovo ,Macedonia

    More  on new web site www.comicscenter.mk

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    # 1178楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-25 10:23|


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    # 1179楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-25 10:37|


    CARTOON COMPETITION-2010 漫画大赛- 2010

    THEME: 主题:




    CARICATURE (write which politicians you present, if he/she is not so well known) 肖像漫画(写你现在的政治家,如果他/她不那么广为人知)

    First Prize: 200 Euros + Diploma 一等奖:200欧元+文凭

    Second Prize: Diploma 二等奖:文凭

    Third Prize: Diploma 三等奖:文凭

    Five Special Diplomas 五特别文凭


    CARTOON 卡通

    First Prize: Diploma 一等奖:文凭

    Second Prize: Diploma 二等奖:文凭

    Third Prize: Diploma 三等奖:文凭

    Five Special Diplomas 五特别文凭


    SHORT COMICS (one table) 短漫画(1表)

    First Prize: Diploma 一等奖:文凭

    Second Prize: Diploma 二等奖:文凭

    Third Prize: Diploma 三等奖:文凭

    Five Special Diplomas 五特别文凭

    Deadline: February 28 th 2010 截止日期:2月28 日 2010年

    Maximum entry (by category): 7 (seven) 最大输入(分类):7(7)

    Size: Caricature, Cartoon & Short Comics: A4, A3 大小:漫画,卡通及短漫画型号:A4,Å3

    Technique: Any 技术:任何

    You may send by post or online. 您可以邮寄或网上。

    Note: Sender must be author of caricature, cartoon or short comics! 注意:发件人必须是漫画,卡通漫画的作者或短!

    Post Address: 邮政地址:


    CARA DUSANA 4 CARA俱乐部足球队杜沙娜4

    78 000 BANJA LUKA 78 000巴尼亚卢卡



    EUROPE 欧洲

    Note: You may send originals, but we will not send you back! 注意:您可以寄原件,但我们将不再向您回来了!

    Online sending: 网上发送:

    E-mail: 电子邮箱: nosorog.rhinocervs@gmail.com nosorog.rhinocervs @ gmail.com

    NOTE: 300 dpi resolution, JPG, JPEG format 注意:300 dpi分辨率,JPG格式,JPEG格式

    In both cases sending, please, write your name, address and e-mail. 在这两种情况下发送,请写下你的姓名,地址和电子邮件。

    IMPORTANT NOTE: In case that winner's country is under international sanctions, organizations are not response for not has ability to delivery the prize to the winner! 重要提示:如果说冠军的国家 , 在国际制裁,组织不好 , 没有能够交付给获胜者的奖品答复!

    YURI MEMBERS: 尤里成员:

    1 – Mr. Goran Kljajich, president of Yuri, Founder of “Nosorog” magazine, writer, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska 1 -英格兰Kljajich先生,尤里,对“Nosorog方正总裁”杂志,作家,巴尼亚卢卡,塞族共和国

    2 – Mr. Miladin Berich, vice-president, writer, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska 2 -米拉丁Berich先生,副总裁,作家,巴尼亚卢卡,塞族共和国

    3 – Mrs. Irina Iosip, cartoonist, Bucarest, Romania 3 -夫人伊琳娜Iosip,漫画家,布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚

    4 – Mrs. Maria Claudia Re – Clau, Bahia Blanca, Argentina 4 -克劳迪娅再夫人玛丽亚-字串,巴伊亚Blanca,阿根廷

    5 – Mr. Carlos Alberto da Costa Amorim, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5 -卡洛斯阿尔贝托达科斯塔阿莫林,里约热内卢,巴西

    6 – Mr. Zoran Spasojevich, computer graphic-artist & writer, Kragujevac, Serbia 6 -佐兰Spasojevich先生,计算机图形艺术家和作家,克拉古耶瓦茨,塞尔维亚

    7 – Mr. Milenko Kosanovich, cartoonist, Subotica, Serbia 7 -先生米伦科Kosanovich,漫画家,苏博蒂察,塞尔维亚

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    # 1180楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-25 11:40|


    1. 1。 The Federation of Cartoonists Organizations (FECO group of Egypt) – Pharaohs Magazine invites you to Participate and take a part at the Against Violence International Cartoon Exhibition. 在漫画家组织联合会(外经办组埃及) -法老杂志邀请您参加 , 并采取反对暴力国际漫画展的一部分。

    2. 2。 We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world. 我们处理的所有专业和业余漫画家 , 不论他们的年龄从世界各地。

    3. 3。 Theme: Against VIOLENCE .. 主题:反对暴力.. Violence in sport .. 在体育运动中使用暴力.. Sporting Spirit .. 体育精神.. Fair Play. (Egyptian soccer fans were attacked by their Algerian counterparts following the two countries' playoff match in Sudan in the 2010 World Cup qualifications) 公平竞赛。(埃及球迷他们的袭击之后 , 阿尔及利亚同行两国在季后赛苏丹在2010年世界杯比赛的资格)

    4. 4。 The number of cartoons: Unlimited. 漫画的数量:无限。

    5. Artwork format should be JPEG, A4 size and 300 dpi as resolution.*** (Please do not send ZIP or RAR Format). 5。作品格式应为JPEG格式,A4大小 , 成为第.***(请不要发送ZIP或RAR格式300 dpi的)。

    6. 6。 Please attached a short biography in a word document (surname and first name, address, e-mail address and a photo). 请附上了一个Word文档短传(姓氏和名字,地址,电子邮件地址和照片)。

    7. Honorable Certificates for all the participants. 7。所有与会者的荣誉证书。

    8. 8。 The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: 这些漫画必须发送的电子邮件地址:

    info@tameryoussef.com info@tameryoussef.com

    info@effatcartoon.com info@effatcartoon.com

    9. 9。 The cartoons will be published in the web pages: 这些漫画将刊登在网页:

    www.effatcartoon.com www.effatcartoon.com

    and through Pharaohs Magazine January 2010 special issue. 并通过2010年1月法老杂志特刊。

    10. Deadline: December 31, 2009. 10。截止日期:2009年12月31日。

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    # 1181楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-11-26 01:37|


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    # 1182楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-26 10:31|

    第12 PortoCartoon世界节日- 2010


    他主题 , 作为第12 PortoCartoon创造力的座右铭服务似乎比在空气中更多的土地。  但是 , 没有。
    因此 , 我希望的主题使飞行的漫画家的想象力。  而且 , 没有人不喜欢它...伊卡洛斯


    1 -飞机和飞行机
    2 -类别
    ,公司地址:Estrada national 108, number of 206 (FRAEIXO), the Chief of the 1 300-316 Porto-Portugal葡萄牙
    在国际政治,社会生活,通讯和其他主题就可以永远是幽默艺术的表达方式。  艺术家们谁不想竞争可以将自己的作品的校外竞赛单元的这一决定通知。
    -工程不得超过42 × 30厘米(德国工业标准± 3)。
    -作品必须是原件 , 任何种类的图形技术将被接受,包括数码打印作品 , 如果在签订 , 如果他们被打印第一。
    ,目前该工程应在扭转以下信息:作者的姓名和地址,标题,主题部分和年份。  撰文人在葡 , 英文简历(出版物,展览,奖品...)也应发送。

    ,该工程应抵达葡萄牙印刷机博物馆直到28/2/2010,与报名表 。  在PORTOCARTOON参与的手段自动提交人是挥舞着的支持(包括网页anykind他的作品版权),涉及生产和节日的扩散。


    大奖PORTOCARTOON 7000欧元(部分货币和部分在港葡萄酒),旅行和住宿费用颁奖仪式在葡萄牙
    二等奖PORTOCARTOON 2500欧元(部分货币和部分在港葡萄酒),留在葡萄牙的周末费用
    三等奖PORTOCARTOON 1500欧元(部分货币和港口葡萄酒部分)留在葡萄牙的周末费用
    二等奖PORTOCARTOON 50欧元,留在葡萄牙的周末费用
    评审委员会将有奇数的法官 , 他们的决定将没有任何上诉或填海一种征服决赛。
    获奖作品将成为葡萄牙印刷机博物馆财产 , 将成为国际动画画廊的一部分。  其他人将被发送到艺术家,如正式要求,后在PORTOCARTOON和其他城市和国家可能展览公开展览。  如果使用非除PORTOCARTOON授予其宣传展览或其他情况的作品,版权费将作出艺术家每当发生。
    ,所有的艺术家 , 其作品入选展览将收到一个目录。

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    # 1183楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-26 15:18|

    42 ª评论报国际米兰
    36063马罗斯蒂卡(维琴察) -意大利
    电话。  -传真+39.0424.72150
    1。  这项比赛分为两个部分: 卡通片 (情况解决一个图形  时刻); 条 (图形时刻的序列 开发或开展某种情况)。 对一个男人和他的存在既定的主题。 任何人都可以尝试解释从一个主题 homorous观点与espressive自由
    2。  今年的主题标题是: 台钳 [设计] vise; bench clamp
    3。  所谓“Scacchiera国际大颁奖
    4。  该工程将被视为无效 只在  到达,通过邮件 最迟在1月18日  2010年 ,运输支付。 所附的表格而 完成简历应
    伴随工程应送交: UMORISTI-Arab Marostica-36063 Marostica (Vicenza, Italy) 意大利
    5。  的结果和提供奖品的日期 和就职典礼将尽快出版
    随后在网站上 www.umoristiamarostica.it
    6。  该展览将在城堡举行 里奥雷4 月17日5月30日2010年。
    7。  每位艺术家可以发送了3个工程,指定 他或她的姓名和地址 , 背面。
    8。  一旦在Marostica展期的 作品将用于在意大利和其他展览 国外。  漫画家被要求作出贡献 fouding一个“Umoristi 1 Marostica的博物馆”。 因此 , 工程将不予退还。
    9。  在“Gruppo格拉菲科Marosticense”储备 有权授权的复制工作
    10。  所有参加者可能会收到目录
    1。  金正日Gruppo格拉菲科Marosticense ritiene迪多佛尔
    (situazione risolta在联合国尤尼科时代报画报);
    条 (successione迪博客旺旺英语momenti grafici节能
    Visto公司在chiave幽默“,attraverso一quale ciascuno
    potrà cimentarsi在piena利伯塔espressiva节能
    2。  白细胞介素和互助INDICATO È: 威姿
    3。  All'opera博客旺旺英语rappresentativa,每ciascun
    settore,verrà assegnato一“大文学奖
    4。  乐opere saranno ammesse尔阿拉独奏评论报
    订阅perverranno恩特罗一 泰尔米乌尔蒂莫
    Dovranno我们保持 accompagnate dalla斯凯达
    allegata,compilata版indirizzata 1:UMORISTI阿
    5。  余risultati伊利日期阿尔premiazioni首页
    inaugurazione德拉查看saranno pubblicati
    subito西湖河畔世都 www.umoristiamarostica.it
    6。  欧莱雅esposizione亚维拉luogo标记法迪堡里奥雷
    Marostica的达勒 17阿普里莱基地30马吉奥2010年。
    7。  Ciascun奥托雷potrà inviare complessivamente
    非博客旺旺英语迪特雷opere specificando南复古迪
    8。  阿拉chiusura德拉评论报报opere saranno
    utilizzate每ulteriori esposizioni在离心泵culturali
    意大利尼的位置斯特拉涅里。  泗希埃代拉collaborazione德利阿布鲁
    autori每拉德尔基金会“博物馆迪Umoristi 1
    Marostica的“乐opere pertanto非saranno
    9。  金正日Gruppo格拉菲科Marosticense市珍藏一
    diritto迪autorizzare riproduzione阿尔opere节能
    拉dicitura“大Umoristi 1 Marostica的”。
    10。  合奏coloro车parteciperanno potranno
    ricevere一catalogo gratuitamente allegando 7,00
    Cognome -家庭名称
    Indirizzo -地址
    Firma -签名
    36063马罗斯蒂卡(维琴察) -意大利
    电话。  -传真+39.0424.72150

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    # 1184楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-26 17:29|


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    # 1185楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-11-28 09:19|

    9th Biennale “Humour & Vigne” 2010 JONZAC - France
    9th Biennale “Humour & Vigne” 2010 JONZAC - France

    THEME: “Humour, Vine and Magic”
    DEADLINE: 1st April 2010
    PRIZES: In kind, above all, of a liquid kind, complementary money prizes, special invitations and awards. Special mentions: diplomas.
    - All artists whose work is selected for inclusion in the exhibition will receive a free copy of the biennale catalogue.
    PARTICIPANTS: Artists from all countries, all ages and both sexes.
    Number of cartoons: maximum 3.
    - NEW Format only A4 (210x297 mm).
    - Original works: yes
    - high–quality copies: yes
    - digital artwork: yes (printed by the artist and send by postal service). This works are accepted if signed and numbered by the author.
    - The family name, first name, (pseudonym) and address of the artist should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS on the back of each piece of work.
    - A short biography, photo or self-portrait may also be included.
    - Enclose the complete Entry form. (Available from the 1st of December 2009 on the website http://www.humouretvigne.fr.st/ (site to be renewed)
    If you will receive the regulation and entry-form for this competition send us your e-mail adress to borislam@club-internet.fr
    RETURN OF ORIGINAL WORKS: Should participants require their work to be returned after the event (about the end of 2010), this must be indicated on the entry-form.
    The awarded works will become the property of the organizers. The list of the participants will be published on the web-site. The exhibition will travel to other French towns.
    DONATION: We are constituting a permanent collection for the promotion of our biennale. If you accept to give your works please write it in the entry-form.
    EXHIBITION: From 26th to 11th July 2010. Venue - Cloître des Carmes, Jonzac, Charente Maritime, France.
    Saturday 26 June - inauguration - announcement of winners, presentation of prizes.
    ARTIST’S RIGHTS: The organisers reserve the right to use artist work for the promotion of the artist and the "Humour & Vine" event without financial reward. All other rights remain property of the artist.
    ADRESS ENTRIES TO: Humour & Vigne BP 43, 17502, JONZAC CEDEX , FRANCE
    e-mail: borislam@club-internet.fr
    第九届双年展"幽默和 Vigne"2010 JONZAC-法国第九届双年展"幽默和 Vigne"2010 JONZAC-法国主题: 幽默、 葡萄和魔术限期: 四月 1 日 2010年奖: 在类,以上所有液体的类、 互补的钱奖、 特别邀请和裁决。 特别提及: 文凭。 -所有的艺术家,其工作所选的展览中包含可获得免费的 biennale 目录。 所有国家/地区、 所有的年龄和性别的与会者: 艺术家。 漫画的条目: 数: 最大的 3 时 -新格式的唯一 A4 (210 x 297 毫米) 时 -原始工作: 是-high–quality 复制: 是-数字作品: (打印的艺术家和发送的邮政服务) 的是。 此工程接受如果签署和编号的作者。 -姓、 名 (化名) 艺术家的地址应大写字母中写入的每个工作及。 -简短传记、 照片或自画像也可能对包含。 -加上完整项目窗体。 (可从网站 http://www.humouretvigne.fr.st/ (要续订的网站) 上,第一的十二月 2009 年如果您将收到规管和报名表参赛给我们您的电子邮件地址 borislam@club-internet.fr RETURN 的原的工务: 参与者应要求他们必须输入窗体上将显示 (有关的 2010年年底),事件后返回的工作。 获奖的工程将成为主办机构的财产。 与会者名单将于本网站的影响。 是次展览将前往其他法国的城镇。 捐赠: 我们建立一个永久的集合,促进本港 biennale。 如果您接受给你的作品请写输入窗体时 展览: 从 26 第 11 七月 2010年以。 场地-Cloître 德 Carmes,Jonzac,夏朗德省海事,法国。 星期六 6 月 26-开幕-公告的得奖者,演示文稿的奖项。 艺人的权利: 的主办机构来用于促进艺术家和不财政奖励的情况下的"幽默和藤 」 事件中的位艺术家作品有权。 所有其它权利保留属性的艺术家。 地址条目,: 幽默和 Vigne BP 43,17502,JONZAC CEDEX,法国电子邮件: borislam@club-internet.fr http://www.humouretvigne.fr.st/

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    # 1186楼

  • cy9931发表于2009-11-30 22:24|

    卡通类主题在5 º沙龙幽默的帕拉瓜保利斯塔(巴西)。 蔡友 的作品”无题”被授予荣誉奖(第四名)

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    # 1187楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-01 17:43|


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    # 1188楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-02 09:00|


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    # 1189楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-02 09:02|

    See Who Is
    Z.Nieweglowski, Poland

    Cai Lian, China蔡友

    Milenko Kosanovich, Serbia

    Talimonov, England

    Kost, Poland

    Ubovich, Serbia

    Zhao Yunsheng Hi, China赵云生

    Ismail Kar, Turkey

    Rackiewicz, Poland

    Constantini, Italy

    Siham Zebiri, Algeria

    Dorota Chwalek, Poland

    Sultanovich, (F)BiH

    Ronaldo, Brazil

    D.Mishev, Bulgaria

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    # 1190楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-02 09:25|


    (Click to enlarge the poster) (点击放大的海报)

    Theme: "Correction of Consumption Habits" 主题:“消费习惯更正”

    Deadline of 9th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest is extended up to January 05, 2010 .大不里士的第九届国际漫画大赛的截止日期延长至2010年1月5日 。

    To view the regulations and participate in this contest, click here要查看法规和参与这项比赛。

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    # 1191楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-02 09:27|


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    # 1192楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-02 09:29|


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    # 1193楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 09:05|


    Who & How 谁及如何

    It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world.它是开放给所有等级和各类学校的专业艺术家和学生来自世界各地。 They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of PEACE, TOLERANCE, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights.他们须提交一个或多个工程发展和平,宽容,反对任何形式的种族主义和捍卫人权的斗争的主题。 Each competitor may take part in two ways:每个竞争者可能采取两种方式的一部分:

    1 - FAX [numero fax ++39 042 740898] or E-MAIL JPG format max 1,5 Mb [ indirizzo e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it ] one or more pictures or works of visual art; 1 -传真[22:16传真:+ +39 042 740898]或E - MAIL JPG格式最大1,5 MB的[indirizzo电子邮件:istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it]一个或多个图片或视觉艺术作品;
    2 - send SHORT FILMS of maximum 5 minutes lenght that could also be broadcast in compressed format to the following e-mail address [istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it] or forwared by mail to [via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pn) Italia]. 2 -发送最多5分钟的长度,也可以在压缩格式播放,短片的下列电子邮件地址[istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it]或forwared邮寄[通过德利阿布鲁Alpini,1 - 33097斯皮林贝戈(Pn)的意大利的]。 The videos can be realized in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, REAL VIDEO, QuickTIME, VIDEO FOR WINDOWS ecc.) which require 8MB of space on the hard disk.该视频可以实现在最常见的格式(为AVI,MPEG,实时视频,QuickTime的支持Windows ECC的视频。)需要在硬盘上的空间8MB的。

    When 何时
    Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Sunday November 30th 2009 at 8.00 am until Sunday February 28th 2010 at 12.00 pm.每个竞争者工程(个人艺术家,学生或类)将接受星期日十一月三十日上午八时起,直至2009年星期日2010年2月28日在下午12点。

    Exhibition 展览
    On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/ class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or E-mail address, city, country.在每个工作,要说明的姓名,名称的学校和年级/班级(如学生),电话和传真号码和/或E - mail地址,城市,国家。

    The works will be exhibited as they are received in an "in progress" exhibition which will open on Sunday 29th NOVEMBER, 2009 AT 11.00 AM at the Istituto Superiore di Spilimbergo (Via degli Alpini n.1, Spilimbergo, Pordenone, ITALIA).工程将展出因为它们是在进步“,”展览,开放了Istituto Superiore di斯皮林贝戈日2009年11月29号上午11时(通过德利阿布鲁Alpini n.1,斯皮林贝戈,波代诺内,义大利)接收。 Works must be sent within the 28th February 2009.必须发送作品在2009年2月28日。

    Students will also have to specify school address and class attended.学生也将指定学校地址和阶级出席了会议。
    Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and with different media for no-profit activities.竞争对手含蓄授权学校复制并使用其作品的目录和无营利活动不同的媒体。
    The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works.该组织也不会是在盗窃,损坏或丢失的情况下的工程负责。 Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors.作品将不予退还或转发它们的作者。 THE EXHIBITION WILL CLOSE ON MARCH 31st, 2010.的展览将于2010年3月31日。 The catalogue will later be sent to all competitors free of charge.该目录稍后将发送给所有的竞争对手是免费的。

    Jury: 陪审团:
    The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 7 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness.在通信专家,艺术评论家和学校的世界代表评审委员会选出7间在保质期内收到的工程,根据他们的建议的主题,其效力的发展。

    Prizes: 奖品:
    The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories:以下六个奖项,将获得的分类:
    > best work - Nursery and Primary Schools: E 300; “最好的作品-幼儿园和小学:电子300;
    > best work - Low Secondary Schools: E 300; “最好的工作-最低价中学:电子300;
    > best work - Video or Cartoon: E 300; “最好的作品-视频或漫画:电子300;
    > best work - Artists: E 300; “最好的作品-艺术家:电子300;
    > special best work awarded to a satirical or humorous drawing inviting consideration upon human and civil themes dealing with the initiative: E 500; “最好的作品获得特别的讽刺或幽默的绘图邀请人权和公民后,主动与处理主题:电子500审议;

    Special Prize: 特别奖:
    > on occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the International Agreement on children Rights a special prize, supported by President of the Italian Repubblic Consisting in a medal, awarded to the author, school or Istitution which has forwarded the best work on the theme "1 child + 1 right=future"关于对儿童权利的国际协定的特别奖由意大利Repubblic总统支持在奖牌组成,,20周年之际“颁发给作者,学校或Istitution已转交了主题为”儿童的最佳工作1 + = 1正确的未来“

    Istituto Superiore高级研究所
    via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia通过德利阿布鲁Alpini,1 - 33097斯皮林贝戈(波代诺内)意大利
    tel ++39 (0)427 40392 - fax ++39 (0)427 40898电话:+ +39(0)427 40392 -传真+ +39(0)427 40898
    e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it - www.faxforpeace.it电子邮件:istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it - www.faxforpeace.it

    举报 回复

    # 1194楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 09:12|

    范军获荷兰主题"自由之声"国际漫画大赛 第5名.

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    # 1195楼

  • shenchenglieying发表于2009-12-04 09:12|


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    # 1196楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 09:18|

    改正:1199楼信息:尚军获荷兰主题"自由之声"国际漫画大赛 第5名.

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    # 1197楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 12:02|


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    # 1198楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 16:41|


    under the auspices of Le Ministère de l’Egalité des Chances
    1. Subject: The houseman
    2. Deadline: 20th February 2010
    3. Prizes: Adult category: 1st prize: 3000€+trophy 2nd prize: 2000€+trophy 3rd prize: 1000 €+ trophy
    Four mentions: certificate of honour
    Youth category: Prize Shopping Center Belle Etoile: 500€+trophy. It means a special prize for
    young people up to 20 years old living in the Grande Région including Wallonia, Rheinland-Pfalz,
    Saarland, Lorraine and Luxembourg.
    4. Entries: - Initially each participant can send at most 3 works in digital form via Internet to the following
    address: cartoon@caricature.eu. The author must indicate in his e-mail the following informations:
    his first name, last name, his complete address, his e-mail address, his phone number, his birth
    date, the category and the title or the number of each work. The characteristics of these electronic
    sendings are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture.
    - Out of these e-mails the jury will make a selection of 90-120 drawings and will request from the
    authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the
    publication in the catalogue. All these originals will be shown in the exhibition and in the catalogue.
    Their size will be min. DIN A4 (210x297mm) and max. DIN A3 (297x420mm), good quality paper,
    not folded and without a passe-partout. On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned
    the first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, birth date of the
    author, the category as well as the title or the number of the work. This deadline is 19th March
    5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles. Digitally created works are accepted. They
    must be signed by their creator on the back side and be numbered by 1/1. Photos and copies of
    original works will be eliminated.
    6. Exhibition: The award ceremony of the adult category will be held on 7th May 2010 in the castle and the
    exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 8th May until 6th
    June 2010. It’s foreseen to show the works in other cities and in the Museum of Caricature and
    Cartoon of Vianden until 9th May 2011.
    The award ceremony of youth category will be held during the itinerant exhibition at Shopping
    Center Belle Etoile in Bertrange from 16th to 25 September 2010.
    7. Returns: After these exhibitions the originals will be returned to their authors except the works selected for
    one of the prizes. The awarded works will become property of the organizer.
    The organizer cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of the return postage.
    8. Catalogue: The authors whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail
    together with his work(s). Prize winners will get their catalogue during the award ceremony.
    9. Results: The publication of the results will be done on the website www.caricature.eu after 8th May 2010.
    The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone.
    The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on 20th March 2010, are incontestable.
    10. Copyright: The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as
    well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author.
    11. Generalities: The works should not have been awarded before.
    By taking part to this contest the participants agree to the abovementioned rules.
    12. Address to send the originals to: Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
    48, Grand-Rue
    L - 9410 VIANDEN
    13. Further informations: Florin BALABAN Pol LEURS
    Phone: +352 – 621 28 37 90 Phone: +352 – 78 83 18
    cartoon@caricature.eu cartoon@caricature.eu GOOD LUCK

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    # 1199楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-12-04 17:01|


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    # 1200楼


