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  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 02:19|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-13 10:57 编辑过。

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    # 331楼

  • lys发表于2009-11-13 08:06|


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    # 332楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 11:03|

    "First International Aleksandar Klas Cartoon Contest 2009".参阅329楼。

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-13 11:06 编辑过。

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    # 333楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 11:15|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-13 11:16 编辑过。

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    # 334楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 11:19|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-13 11:39 编辑过。

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    # 335楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 23:37|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-13 23:40 编辑过。

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    # 336楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 23:42|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-14 09:15 编辑过。

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    # 337楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-13 23:46|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-14 09:16 编辑过。

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    # 338楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-14 09:32|

    "First Prize" of the "First Ethiopia cartoon contest 2009,ARES没有获得奖励证书和3000美元。

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-15 09:21 编辑过。

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    # 339楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-14 09:38|


    The cartoonist Alfredo Sábat did not receive the prize he won last year. Below we publish his letter and the answer from ACA organizer.

    My name is Alfredo Sábat, I am a cartoonist from Argentina. I am 42 years old, and have been working as a full-time cartoonist for 13 years now. I have been publishing daily cartoons in “La Nación” of Buenos Aires for 10 years, and have won several international awards, among them the “World Press Cartoon” (First Prize, Editorial Cartoon 2006; Third Prize, Caricature 2007), and the Ranan Lurie Award given by the United Nations Corespondents Association in 2006. My full CV and samples of my work may be seen at www.alfredosabat.com

    The reason for writing these lines is that I would like to warn my colleagues around the world about a cartoon contest with which I have had a very sad experience. The contest is the Austrian Cartoon Award, and it is going to take place again this year. I would like everyone to know what I went through before sending their entries.

    On November 23rd, 2007 I received an invitation via e-mail to participate in the Austrian Cartoon Award. This invitation included the Contest Regulations. I read them, found them intersting enough, and decided to send some works, which for the selecting process were to be sent in digital format only. On April 21st, 2008, I was told I was a finalist, and was asked to send my original entry, which I did.

    On June 11th, I was told I was invited to Graz, Austria, to be at the Awards Gala. I was told later this invitation did not include the airline ticket, so I answered I was unable to afford a ticket without knowing what my award would be. At this point I was told that in any case the award would be sent via mail. I later found out the award I won was the Third Prize in the Caricature section, worth 1000 euros.

    Suddenly, I was told by the Contest director, Mr. Christoph Morre, that I wouldn’t be getting my money because I didn’t travel to Graz to receive it. He even said it was written in the Regulations. I still keep the original regulations, and it says no such thing, at least it doesn’t in the English version. If it does say so in the German version, then it’s a translation problem, not my problem. I protested but got no answer.

    I decided to contact the Argentinian Ambassador to Austria, Mr. Eugenio Curia, to ask him to find Mr. Morre and see what he could do. At first he got no answer, later Mr. Morre insisted it was in the regulations, finally he said that maybe they could pay 500 euros. But it didn’t go much further. If it didn’t, it wasn’t because the Ambassador didn’t try. I must point out the Ambassador himself was handling my problem, and I am a simple Argentinian citizen. So I am very grateful to him.

    After some months, I got an e-mail on February 5th, 2009 from Mr. Morre. He said he had just got a call from the Ambassador and that he couldn’t understand why. He insisted it was on the regulations, and invited me to visit a webpage where I could read the regulations. I visited the webpage, and found some regulations which did say I couldn’t get my money. But these regulations weren’t those I received on November 2007, which I still keep. In other words, these were some fake regulations he made up so as to avoid paying my award.

    I was furious. I told him I wasn’t a begginer, sent him back the regulations he had sent me in 2007, and threatened him with making this story public. He answered right away. He said, in short, “You have to understand, nobody came to the awards ceremony, the sponsors were very angry and didn’t want to pay”.

    The problem is, the contestants don’t know, don’t ask and don’t care about his sponsor problems. Mr. Morre issued an invitation to an international contest. He promised awards. He gave his word. He has to comply.

    Then, in March he said he had deposited the money in my account. I sat and waited for a 1000 euro deposit, but got no news. I asked Mr. Morre for his bank receipt, so as to be able to find out what had happened with the money. I got no answer.

    Last Friday, May 15th, I got an invitation for the new edition of the contest. I wrote immediately to Mr. Morre asking him if it was some kind of joke. I told him I still had no news of the money or the bank receipt. I threatened him once more, and he sent me the receipt. It was for a 300 euro deposit, not 1000.

    At this point I would like to warn everyone: you may send your works to the Austrian Cartoon Awards. But be warned: you may never get your awards. You are dealing with a person who lies, and even gets to the point of faking evidence to avoid paying. I sent my works to Austria under the assumption that an Austrian contest, a contest from the country of my heroes Klimt, Schiele, Otto Wagner, Kokoschka, Freud and above all Mozart, would be a serious contest. Well, I was deeply disillusioned.

    It is sad enough not to get the money I was promised by the regulations, it is sad as well to have lost my original artwork in such conditions, but the saddest part is being lied to.

    I keep all e-mails I interchanged with Mr. Morre. I am attaching those I feel important, for everyone else to see the contradictions and lies I have had to endure. I hope this may be of some help to my colleagues. Thank you for your attention and good luck.

    Alfredo Sábat

    Hello Alfredo,

    OK, I will talk with my team. Please send me your account information.  
    For international payment I need IBAN-Code and BIC-Code.

    You must understand me, I had my sponsors on "award-ceremony" and  
    nobody of the winners where in Graz. They said, that cannot be, we  
    have a contract. So they paid less than a half of the sponsoring amount.

    Hope to hear from you soon

    Christoph Morre

    Last Updated ( vendredi, 29 mai 2009 )

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-14 09:45 编辑过。

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    # 340楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-11-14 20:49|


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    # 341楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-11-14 20:54|

    2009年保加利亚第五届主题“酒精和国家”国际漫画双年展画册出版,张卫已收到画册,保加利亚3位和俄罗斯一位、土耳其一位,共五人被授予“漫画大师”。中国文峰刚、Jian Ren两位漫画家作品入选画册,并刊登作者个人照片。第四届张卫是唯一入选画册,但这届未刊登作者个人照片

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    # 342楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-14 21:29|


    Results of International Biennial for Caricature - "Masters of Caricature" 2009


    Georgi Karaliev (Bulgaria)
    Georgi Chalakov (Bulgaria)
    Aleksander Umyarov (Russia)
    Mehmed Kahraman (Turkey)
    Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)

    Artists nominated for conferred a diploma:

    Anatoliy Stankulov (Bulgaria)
    Ognian Balkandjiev (Bulgaria)
    Vasko Vasilev (Bulgaria)
    Valeri Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)
    Veselin Damyanov (Bulgaria)
    Zhivka Dineva (Bulgaria)
    Andr?Mathijs (Belgium)
    Wan Fa Gu (China)
    Artides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero (Cuba)
    Jacek Frackiewicz (Poland)
    Burhanettin Ardagil (Turkey)
    Salidjon Mamatkulov (Uzbekistan)
    Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)

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    # 343楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-15 17:09|

    CYPLUS 2008"OLIVE"主题国际漫赛出版画册,其2009年获奖作品基本都是类似的,被国际漫画界形容为"全军覆没"!

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-15 17:11 编辑过。

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    # 344楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-15 18:19|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-15 18:21 编辑过。

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    # 345楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-15 19:31|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-15 19:32 编辑过。

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    # 346楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-15 22:58|


        校方前已向大赛执委会递交了致歉信,并恳请大赛执委会取消《创造天空》所获得的荣誉。 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-16 11:28 编辑过。

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    # 347楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-16 11:44|


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    # 348楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-16 16:31|



    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 13:11 编辑过。

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    # 349楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-16 19:04|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-16 19:15 编辑过。

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    # 350楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 11:34|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 11:34 编辑过。

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    # 351楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 11:56|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 13:23 编辑过。

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    # 352楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 12:31|


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    # 353楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 16:23|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 16:44 编辑过。

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    # 354楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 22:48|

    Theme: Archeology

    690 works from 295 artists


    First Winner: Ba Bilig / China

    2nd Prize: Yuriy Kosobukin (Ukraine)
    3rd Prize: Constatin Ciosu (Romania)
    4th Prize: Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)
    5th Prize: Tony Tasco (Belgium)

    Prize of Antwerpen Province: Stefaan Provijn (Belgium)
    Prize of International Amnesty: Paul Verschaeren (Belgium)


    First Winner: Mies Leemans (Belgium)

    2nd Prize: Shahin Kalantary (Iran)
    3rd Prize: Uros Maksimovic (Serbia)
    4th Prize: Aleksandar Petrikanovic (Serbia)

    Prize of Antwerpen Province: Celine De Jonghe (Belgium)

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 22:49 编辑过。

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    # 355楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 22:53|

    List of Selected Cartoonists in 10th Caratinga International Humor Exhibition - 2009


    Alan Souto Maior Alves - Rio de Janeiro
    Antoni Ribeiro Martins (Dão) – Rio de Janeiro
    Carlos Eduardo P. dos S. Cunha (Duarte) – São Mateus – MA
    Dereck Bruno Lopes Teixeira (Dereck) –Teresina - PI (3)
    Emerson Carvalho Souza (Camaleão) – Mariana – MG
    Érico Junqueira Ayres (Érico) – São Luiz - MA (2)
    Fabiano Carrieiro Eiras (Carrieiro) – Campinas - SP
    Francisco Moisés Santos Rêgo (Rêgo) – Teresina – PI
    João Carlos Mattias do Nascimento - Rio de Janeiro
    José Raymundo Costa do Nascimento – Rio de Janeiro
    Luis Celso Martins de Camargo (Celso) Piracicaba - SP
    Luiz Carlos Batista de Matos (LCMatos) – RJ
    Manuel Izidro dos Santos Júnior (Izidro) – Niterói – RJ
    Moisés Macedo Coutinho - Mogi Guaçu – SP
    Paulo Branco – Campinas – SP
    Raúl Dela Nuez (Nuez) – Estados Unidos
    Rogelio Arias ( Roger) - Argentina (2)
    Verônica Silvia de Souza Saiki (Very) – Brasília – DF
    Sérgio Gonçalves Brito (Sergio Brito) - São Paulo


    Alan Souto Maior Alves – Rio de Janeiro
    Caio De Paula Souza (Caio) – Campinas -SP (3)
    Camilo Floriano Viana e Costa – Campinas- SP (3)
    Carlos Eduardo P. dos S. Cunha (Duarte) São Mateus – MA
    Diogo D’Auriol Almeida – Campos dos Goytacazes – RJ (2)
    Douglas de Souza Vieira (Dodô) – Santos – SP
    Emerson Carvalho de Souza (Camaleão) – Mariana – MG
    Érico Junqueira Ayres (Érico) – São Luis – MA
    Fábio Augusto Correia Coelho – São João do Oriente - MG
    Fábio Coutinho – São Pedro da Aldeia – RJ
    Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia (Manohead) – Garoupava – SC (3)
    Francisco Carlos Campos Costa (Carlus) – Fortaleza - CE
    Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca (Glen) – Rio de Janeiro
    João Bosco Jacó de Azevedo (J.Bosco) – Belém PA (2)
    João Carlos Mattias (Mattias) – Rio de Janeiro
    José Raymundo Costa do Nascimento (Ray Costa) – RJ
    José Wilson Nunes da Silva – Paulínea – SP
    Leandro Spett (Spett) – São Paulo (2)
    Liliane Ap. Betoni Silva (Lili Betoni) – Campinas – SP (3)
    Luis Celso Martins de Camargo (Celso) – Piracicaba - SP
    Luiz Carlos Baptista de Mattos (LCMatos) – RJ (3)
    Luiz Carlos Fernandes (Fernandes) – Santo André – SP (2)
    Luiz Gustavo Guimarães (Gustavo G) – São Paulo (2)
    Manuel Izidro dos Santos Junior (Izidro) – Niterói – RJ (2)
    Marcelo Victor de Araujo (Cica) – Santos – SP (3)
    Marco Souza (Souza) – Rio de Janeiro
    Osvaldo Díaz Moreira (Osvaldo) – Cuba
    Rahin Beaggal Asgari (Rahin) – Irã
    Ronaldo Cunha Dias (Ronaldo) - Vacaria – RS
    Sérgio Gonçalves Brito – São Paulo
    Tiago de Carvalho Silva – Campo Mourão – PR (2)
    Ubiratan L. Dantas de Araujo (Bira Dantas) – Campinas - SP
    Verônica Silva de Souza Saiki (Very) – Brasília – DF (2)


    Agus Widodo - Indonésia
    Amim Famil Beghestani (A. Beghestani) – Irã (3)
    Anatoliy Lerner – Alemanha
    Ângelo Roberto Mascarenha de Andrade – Salvador – BA (3)
    Antonio Amâncio de O. Filho (Amâncio) – Natal – RN (3)
    Ba. Bilig - China
    Babaka Shekari - Irã
    Bahnan Jalale Nokandeh (Jalale) – Irã (3)
    Biratan Porto – Belém – PA (2)
    Clayton Rabelo – São Paulo
    Cristoval Reinoso (Crist) – Argentina (2)
    Dariush Nehrdclun – Irã
    Dereck Bruno Lopes Teixeira (Dereck) – Teresina – PI (2)
    Erdogam Basal (Erdogam) – Turquia (2)
    Floreal da Silva Andrade (Floreal) - Suzano – SP
    Javad Takjoo – Irã (2)
    Jorge Barreto de Lacerda (Jorge Barreto) – São Paulo (2)
    José Antonio Costa (Jota A) – Teresina – PI
    José Gilvan de Oliveira (Gilvan) – Foz do Iguaçu – PR (2)
    José Raymundo Costa do Nascimento ( Ray Costa) – RJ(2)
    Kartoens Dré Nathijs (Dré) – Bélgica
    Kazanevsky Vladimir - Ucrãnia
    Kim In Kyu (Kim) – Coréia do Sul (2)
    Lubonir kotrha (Kotrha) – Eslováquia
    Luis Celso Martins de Camargo (Celso) – Piracicaba - SP
    Luiz Carlos Baptista de Matos (LCMatos) – Rio de Janeiro
    Luiz Fernando Cazo (Cazo) – Bocaina – SP
    Manuel Izidro dos Santos Junior (Izidro) – Niterói - RJ
    Marlon Amorim Tenório (Marlon Tenório) – Rio de Janeiro
    Mauro Cezar C. Freitas (Mauro) - Sapucaia do Sul - RS
    Mostafa Hossein Nia - Irã
    Narieh Noghaddasi Kostami – Irã
    Osvaldo Diaz Moreira (Osvaldo) – Cuba
    Paulo Volmar M. Vilanova (Vilanova) – Porto Alegre - RS
    Pietro Francioso (Francioso) – Itália
    Raimundo Waldez Duarte (Waldez) – Belém - PA (2)
    Razm Hosseini Mohammad Saleh – Irã (2)
    Rúmen Dragostinove (R.Dragostinove) Bulgária
    Semerenko Vladimir – Rússia (2)
    Seyran Caferne (Seyran) – Azerbaijão (3)
    Silvano Rosa G. de Melo (Mello) – Jaboticatubas - MG
    Yoshimaro Sakita (YSakita) -Japão (2)


    Alberto de Jesus N. Nicácio (Beto Nicácio) – São Luis – MA
    Alexandre Martins Marcelino ( Marcelino) – São Paulo
    Antonio Amâncio de O. Filho (Amâncio) – Natal – RN (3)
    Biratan Porto – Belém – PA
    Caetano Cury Nardi (Caetano Cury) – Guaxupé – MG (2)
    Carlos Augusto R Nascimento (Casso) – Belém – PA
    Clayton Rabelo – São Paulo (2)
    Douglas de Souza Vieira (Dodô) – Santos – SP
    Geraldo Magela da Conceição (Magela) – Belo Horizonte – MG
    Humberto Pessoa – São Bernardo do Campo – SP (2)
    Ianes Serafin Cardoso (Ianes) – Manhuaçu – MG (2)
    João Bosco Jacó de Azevedo (J.Bosco) – Belém PA (2)
    João Carlos Mattias (Mattias) – Rio de Janeiro
    José Antonio Costa (Jota A) – Teresina – PI (3)
    José Gilvan de Oliveira (Gilvan) – Foz do Iguaçu – PR (3)
    José Raymundo C. do Nascimento (Ray Costa) – RJ
    Leandro Spett (Spett) – São Paulo
    Luis Celso M. de Camargo (Celso) – Piracicaba – SP (2)
    Luiz Carlos Baptista de Mattos (LcMattos) – RJ (2)
    Luiz Fernando Cazo (Cazo) – Bocaína – SP (3)
    Luiz Fernando P. Mendes (Oscar) Brasília – DF (2)
    Makhmud Eshonkulov (Makhmud) - Uzbequistão
    Manuel Izidro dos Santos Junior (Izidro) – Niterói – RJ (3)
    Mário de Jesus Marcelino (Marinho) – Nova Odessa – SP (2)
    Mauro Cezar C. Freitas (Mauro) - Sapucaia do Sul - RS
    Moisés Macedo Coutinho - Mogi Guaçu – SP (2)
    Paulo Emanuel Cunha da Silva (Emanuel) – Belém - PA (2)
    Raimundo Waldez Duarte (Waldez) – Belém - PA (3)
    Seyran Caferle – Azerbaijão (2)
    Silvano Rosa G. de Melo (Mello) – Jaboticatubas – MG (2)
    Tiago de C. Silva (Tiago Silva) – Campo Mourão – PR

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-11-17 22:59 编辑过。

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    # 356楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-17 23:03|


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    # 357楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-18 17:06|


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    # 358楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-18 23:25|


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    # 359楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-11-18 23:36|


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    # 360楼




