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  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-07 00:32|

    一般是国际邮寄纸质文本.邮购的话可与主办者电话或邮件联系或与冷牧联系! 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-07 00:35 编辑过。

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    # 451楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-07 18:55|

    1st Winner: Cemalettin Guzeloglu / Turkey

    2nd Winner: Oleg Goutsol / Belarus

    3rd Winner: Jordan Pop-Iliev /  Macedonia

    图片为第一名及荣誉奖,其中荣誉奖励第5名Valeriu Kurtu (Germany)为旧作品

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-07 19:09 编辑过。

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    # 452楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-07 19:12|

    土尔其第一届"旅游"主题国际漫赛结果的1st Winner:(Cemalettin Guzeloglu / Turkey)实际可以视为类似作品,参阅155楼.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-07 19:16 编辑过。

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    # 453楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-09 10:38|

    The above picture is latest artwork of Rahim Asghari, the director of Tabriz Cartoon Association and FECO Iran President.

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    # 454楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-10 21:05|

    National Liberty Museum's 2010 "Caretoon" Contest - "Heroes of Character"

    What is a "Caretoon?
    It is an original cartoon that reflects a positive theme. The theme for 2010 is "Heroes of Character"

    Cartoonists should create original artwork expressing the core values that unite us all... friendship, tolerance, justice, faith and courage.

    - What values do YOU stand for?
    - Who is YOUR favorite "Hero of Character" - either historical or present-day?
    - What would make the world a better place?

    Josef Calvento / an example of theme

    Deadline for entries: April 25, 2010. Winners only will be notified by May 25, 2010.

    Who should enter?
    The Caretoon Contest is open to anyone interested in participating.
    All ages and levels of artistic ability are invited to submit an entry (ies).

    Entries will be judged in two categories: Adults (age 18 or older) and Students (under age 18) Caretoons will be judged by a panel of professional cartoonists, educators, Museum staff and others.
    Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and message. All judges' decisions are final.

    A $1000. prize will be awarded in each of the two categories.

    How to create a Caretoon:
    A Caretoon must be your original creation.
    Caretoons featuring copyrighted or pre-designed clip art or other images are not acceptable.
    You can create your Caretoon freehand or electronically.
    Caretoons may be created in black & white or in color.
    Caretoons must include a graphic; text is optional.
    Each Caretoon must be presented on a separate 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
    Caretoons may be any size provided they fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.

    How to enter the contest:
    There are no entry fees; no purchases of any kind are required.
    Complete a Caretoon entry form available online at http://www.libertymuseum.org/award/doc/2010_caretoons.pdf.
    Please submit no more than three Caretoons per person.
    Print your name on each Caretoon exactly how it appears on your entry form.
    If you are submitting your Caretooon(s) via email, attach your entry form and each Caretoon in jpeg format: must be 300 dpi; no larger than 8.5 x 11.

    How to submit your entry:
    Caretoons may be submitted by mail, in-person, or by email.
    Mail to: Caretoon Contest, National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
    In Person: Bring your Caretoon & Entry Form to the Museum. Hours are 10am-5pm, Tuesday unday. You will receive FREE admission if you bring an original Caretoon.
    Note: Free admission does not apply to guided group tours.
    Email: Caretoons@libertymuseum.org

    Usage rights:
    Caretoons will not be returned to their creator. The Museum reserves the right to display and/or publish any and all Caretoon entries. The creator will be credited for the work wherever his or her Caretoon appears. All entrants receive free membership to the National Liberty Museum and copies of any publication in which their Caretoon appears.

    NATIONAL LIBERTY MUSEUM is located in the heart of America's historic shrines of liberty at 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Ph: 215-925-2800
    Fax: 215-925-3800


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-10 21:09 编辑过。

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    # 455楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-10 21:08|

    18th International Exhibition of Cartoon Press - Brazil 2010

    Deadline: March 6, 2010

    PORTO ALEGRE's City Hall, through the municipal Office of culture, communicates the interested, the regulation and chronograph of the 18th INTERNATIONAL DRAWING CONTEST FOR PRESS, as it follows: This regulation has the goal to select artist for the 18th INTERNATIONAL DRAWING CONTEST FOR PRESS that will happen from March 25 to May 09, 2010, with the goal to stimulate and divulge, in a wide way, the graphic expression applied to press, besides giving prizes to each one of the categories described below.


    The registration may be done from February 5th to March 5th, 2010, on Av. Presidente JoGoulart, 551, Sala 603 - Setor de Mostras e Exposies, CEP 90010-120 - Porto Alegre/RS (Brazil), from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 12h and from 14 to 17h or via e-mail salao.press.portoalegre@gmail.com.

    To the Works sent by mail or e-mail, the deadline will be also March 05, with the date on the postal stamp of the envelope, and date of the e-mail sent. Works selected or rewarded on previous editions of this contest will not be accepted.


    The contest is destined to professionals and amateurs, on the modalities Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Caricature, Comics and Editorial Illustration (to newspaper, magazine, book, album cover, cover, etc.).

    The registered Works on the modality Editorial Illustration must have been effectively published from March 2009 to January 2010, and must be with the original page of the publication, with date and name of the periodic identified. The participants may register 05 (five) works distributed on any one of the 05 (five) categories.


    As it is a Contest of Graphic Arts, there will also be considered as originals the printed works by printers or any other type of image reproduction, but they must be in high quality. However, it is participant's choice to send their originals.
    The registered works must be on the Max format of 42cm x 29,7cm (A3). The registered works on the modality Comics may have four (04) pages of 42cm x 29,7cm (A3).

    The works shall be conditioned in opaque and resistant paper. The Organization Committee is not responsible for damages to the works and/or not identified. The participants must observe with criteria the following instructions:

    -Send, with the works, the registration form that is on the end of this regulation, with all the items filled in a legible way.
    -All the originals must be properly identified with author's full name, type of registration, title, category they are applying and editing of the hall that is participating on the back of works. In the case of Editorial illustration should also inform the publication of full details (name, date, page). Papers submitted electronically should include this information in the nomination file.
    By not following this instructions will imply the disqualifications of the works.


    Porto Alegre's City Hall will assign, through the portaria published on the Diio Oficial de Porto Alegre -DOPA, a Selection Committee and other rewarding, composed by cartoonists, journalists, graphic artists, and representatives of the Municipal Office of Culture.
    The Selection Committee will have as main criteria the creativity, new idea and plastic quality of the drawings and will select obeying the following propose:
    -All the selected Works will participate on the exposition of the Contest on the exhibition hall of the Manor Vasco Prado at Usina do, Pres., Jo Goulart, 551, Porto Alegre / RS, from 25 March to 11 May, 2010.

    The list of selected papers will be available from March 19, 2010, at site http://www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/smc/cap/editais.

    The rewarded relation will be published on the occasion of the solemnity of opening of the Contest. The selected and rewarded relation will be published on DOPA (Diario Oficial de Porto Alegre). About the Judging Committee that judge the presented Works, in reason of not presenting what was requested, there will be able a administrative resource of 05 (five) week-days, with protocol of the Graphic Art Coordination.

    The presented resource will be judge of the Max period of 05 (five) week days.


    One (01) prize will be given in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand reais) to each of the 5 categories: Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Comics and Editorial Illustration. The guiding criteria are, once again, creativity, new iea and plastic quality of the drawings.

    Honorable mentions may be given, according to the decision of the Rewarding Committee.

    Single Paragraph: The rewarded Works will become part of the property of the Municipal Artistic Collection.

    The prizes not requested in 90 (ninety) days, counting from the publication of the result, will loose it value.


    The not-selected Works will be available to devolution from March 29 to April 09, 2010, on the same place and time of the registration. From that date on we will not hold responsibility for the works that are not properly taken.



    The selected works may be used by the Porto Alegre's City Hall, to divulge the event, with no costs.

    The registration on this contest implies the acceptance of this regulation; the cases that will not follow it will be decided by the Organization Committee, according to the law 8666/93.

    The Selection and Rewarding Committees will be sovereign on it's decisions. According to the law 8666/93, 9th article, the members of the Selection and Rewarding Committees, as well as the servers of the Porto Alegre's City Hall, cannot participate on this contest.

    The cost of the prizes of this contest will run for the budget allocation 1003.2481.339031. The prizes will be given after the publication of the results and after the resource period. The cases shall be resolved by the organizing committee.


    May be gotten on the Municipal Office of Culture
    Phone (0XX 51) 32 89 81 27 or (0XX 51) 32 89 8126
    Shows and Expositions Sector

    Regulation and Registration form on the site.
    http://www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/smc/cap/editais or DOC File

    Registration: February 05 to March 05
    Jury selection: March 09 & 10
    Jury Award: March 12
    Opening of the Hall and disclosure of awards: March 25
    Visitation: March 26 to May 11


    2010 Edition

    REGISTRATION FORM _______________

    Artist name:

    Full address:

    ZIP Code: ...............................


    E-mail: ..............................................

    Date and place of birth:

    Title of the work / Category

    01............................................................. ......................................................

    02............................................................. ......................................................

    03............................................................. ......................................................

    04............................................................. ......................................................

    05............................................................. .......................................................

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-10 21:12 编辑过。

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    # 456楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-10 21:25|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-11 11:31 编辑过。

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    # 457楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-11 10:57|

    Please do not open email:
    somebody send this email with
    viruses in attachment!

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    # 458楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-11 20:28|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-11 20:30 编辑过。

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    # 459楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-14 22:49|

    FASI International Graphics, Satire, and Humor Contest - Italy


    FASI, the Federation Association of Sardinians in Italy, invites all the cartoonists in the world to participate in the special edition of the contest "Graphics, satire, and humor" created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy.

    1. The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic designers around the world. You are also allowed to participate without competing. Such requests exempt the author from winning a prize, but makes it possible to still publish and/or display the author's work.

    From the kingdom of Sardinia to the kingdom of Italy. From the Italian republic to the European Union. From Europe to the United Nations. Independence and globalization. One hundred and fifty years of events, action, heroes and influential people either in Italy or the European Union.

    Foreign artists may express themselves on the following subjects:  the fortunes of the ideals of the 20th century, on the condition of democracy achieved in their own country, on the respect observed towards human rights and peace,  on the destiny of the concept of the State and national unity in times of globalization, or rather they can tell about their country's perception of Italy.

    In the age of globalization try to express:
    - The capacity to evoke concepts of unity and national identity, independence, liberty, and the state. Philosophers, politicians, and poets of the Italian rebirth (Risorgimento Italiano) and to retell the most important moments and the influential people that characterize the first 150 years of Italian history.
    - The current condition of democracy, humanitarian works, and peace.
    - The future of the state, of the state in times of globalization and fortunes of the current ideals of the '900.

    3. Sections
    The contest is divided into three categories:
    A) Sardegna. This is dedicated to the artists that with any graphic technique, satire, caricature, or cartoon strip that brings to mind the actions and the Sards that, originating from the kingdom of Sardegna, were creators of the kingdom of Italy and of the Italian Republic.
    B) Illustrations. Graphics, lithography, web art, computer art
    C) Satire and Humour. Cartoons, strips, caricatures
    It is permitted to submit an entry for each of the three categories.

    4. Prizes
    Total money prizes amounting: 25.000 €uro
    - Prize "Sardegna": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro
    - Prize "Illustrations": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro
    - Prize "Satire and Humour": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro
    The prizes are offered by: Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Lazio, Presidenza della Regione Toscana, Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Piemonte
    - Prize "Black Sheep": 3.000 €uro from the Comune di Burgos
    - Prize "Inside the history": 1.000 €uro from the Fondazione Giuseppe Siotto, Cagliari
    - Prize "The see us like this": 1.500 €uro from the ACLI Sardegna
    There will be 10 "Special Mentions"
    Other special prizes may be offered from various institutional sponsors, private interests, associations, newspapers and agencies.

    5. Participation
    A maximum of three works for each section may be submitted with any technique and any supported paper or canvas of the same dimension. The submitted works must be originals, and must arrive with the application form and the biography of the author. Each work must be signed and must have on the back the following information: the title of the work, the author's name, last name, address, phone number, and email address. The author must indicate on each work into which section it is to be entered.
    The entries must be mailed (postage paid by the sender) without frames or glass to the following address:

    Casella Postale 18260
    Ufficio Postale 018
    Via Cavour, 71/A
    50129 Firenze

    Photocopies or photographs will not be accepted.

    6. Deadline
    30th of April, 2010 (based on the postmark)

    7. Format
    UNI A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) otherwise UNI A3 (29,7 x 42 cm)

    8. Technique
    Free. The works can be created even with digital techniques as long as they can be printed in high quality, the signature must be by hand, and come with a CD that contains the digital file of the work in the format TIFF with the resolution of 300 dpi.

    9. Jury
    The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the jury nominated by the FASI.
    The jury is composed of: Gavino Sanna - President, Giuliano Rossetti, Tonino Mulas, Luca Paulesu, Giovanni Sorcinelli 'Gi髕', Bepi Vigna
    Bruno Culeddu: Secretary without the ability to vote.
    The decisions of the jury are non debatable or up for appeal.
    The results of the jury will be given directly to the winning artists and published on the website of the Burgosatira, of the FASI and of FanoFunny.com

    10. Exhibitions
    In 2011 (the anniversary of the Proclamation of the Unity of Italy), dates listed below, the works will be exhibited in Torino, Firenze, Roma, Cagliari and Burgos.
    The works will be consigned to the Museum of the Satire of Burgos, for a permanent exhibit.
    From Burgos will begin a touring exhibit throughout the various communities of Sardegna and all of Italy. This touring exhibit will also go abroad and be under the care of ACLI Sardegna and move throughout the Sardinian club worldwide.
    The inauguration ceremony and the awards ceremony will be held in Torino, which was the original capital of Italy.

    11. Catalogue
    All the authors selected for the catalogue will receive a free copy of said catalogue.
    12. Ownership and rights
    The Organization reserves all rights to reproduce and distribute the works in any form and to organize exhibitions with selected works in any location in Italy or abroad, citing the author, without any payment. All the works submitted will not be returned and will remain the property of the Comune of Burgos where they will be exhibited and cared for by the Museo della Satira.
    The participation in the contest implies that complete acceptance from the part of the author to all the conditions and rules herein stated and implied.

    For further informations
    Phone/Fax (+39)055.242006 | (+39)055.240549

    Download the entry-form
    Entry-form (doc format)

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    # 460楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-19 10:56|

    Results of 49. Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2010

    Theme: FREE

    Golden Hat: Ludo Goderis / Belgium

    2nd Prize: Pavel Kuczynski / Poland

    3rd Prize: Constantin Sunnerberg / Belgium

    Complete results and winning cartoons will be published here soon.

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    # 461楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-19 11:06|

    Dear artist,

    Romanian Cartoonists Association invites you to participate at International Caricature Exhibition.

    Theme: "GREAT ROMANIAN PERSONALITIES: Mihai Eminescu and Ion Luca Caragiale"

    You must to drawing next 2 personalities (together or separate):
    - Mihai Eminescu ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihai_Eminescu )
    - Ion Luca Caragiale ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Luca_Caragiale )
    and send its by e-mail, to caragiale.2008@yahoo.com
    at resolution 300 dpi, size 21x30 cm or more.

    Deadline: April 30, 2010

    All participants will receive the catalogue of exhibition.

    Best regards,
    Romanian Cartoonists Association

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    # 462楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-19 18:02|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-19 18:04 编辑过。

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    # 463楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-20 09:45|

    6th International cartoon
    contest (SYRIA 2010)

    New Deadline
    1 / 3 / 2010

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    # 464楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-22 00:56|

    1-We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists
    regardless their age from all over the world.

    2-The Tehran province Water & Wastewater Company and
    Iranian house of cartoon invite you to Participate
    in Water International Cartoonet (By email) contest-2010

    3.Theme: Water
    Best usage of Water

    4.The number of sent cartoons is 5 .

    5.Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation
    of your artistic activity (surname and first name, address,
    e-mail address, a photo and your CV)

    6. prizes :
    - First prize � 3000 US$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
    - Second prize � 2000 US$ , Trophy and Honorable Mention
    -Third prize � 1000 US$ , Trophy and Honorable Mention
    - 3 Honorable Mentions

    7.The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:

    and they must be of 200 dpi resolution,
    1500 Pixel( Horizontal or Vertical)  and JPG format.
    (Please do not send Zip or rar Format!)

    8.The cartoons will be published in the web pages:

    9.All the artists who will enter the exhibition, will receive the
    catalogue of the contest.

    10.Deadline:April 20 , 2009. 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-02-22 01:51 编辑过。

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    # 465楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-22 19:58|

    Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest�
    International Competition of satirical design

    Trasimeno Blues Festival, presents its second edition of �Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest� - International competition of satirical design dedicated to Blues

    The theme of the competition: �Blues - The Blues Harp Harmonica�

    The artwork must be developed on a single table in the maximum size UNI A4 (cm. 21 x 29.7). Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artworks if the prints are signed and if they are print number one.

    Participation is for free, open to artists of any nationality.

    The artwork must be original

    The artwork must not have been published in the past.

    For minors require a permission of a parent or his representative.

    Each author may participate with one artwork. If sent more artworks the Guarantee Committee in its sole discretion, will choose the work that will participate in the contest.

    The works must be sent either by regular mail or by electronic mail.

    The artworks will not be refunded and will remain property of the Organizing Committee.

    Entries must be sent together with the registration form in full, duly completed and signed no later than April 30th 2010 at:

    by e-mail at: info@trasimenobluescartoonfest.com
    (.jpg � 300 dpi)

    and by regular mail at: �Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest � - Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n�.4 - 06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG) � Italia

    The artworks must indicate on the back: name, surname and address of the author. The artworks will not be refunded. The artworks will be published on the official web sites of the competition.

    4.       A Guarantee Committee - composed of professionals and representatives of the cultural world will select the 30 most significant works and award the Prize " Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest" author most worthwhile. The Committee shall have the right to assign any awards and special mentions.
    The 30 finalists will be published on
    The public on line will be able to cast their vote until July 25th 2010.
    It will be online audiences to declare the winner of the Special award "Trasimeno Blues Web Cartoon "

    5.      The artworks which make it to the final stage of the competition will be exhibited at �Palazzo della Corgna� - Citt� della Pieve from July 22nd to August 1st

    The winners  will immediately be notified and invited as guests of Trasimeno Blues Festival, on August 1st to collect the prize.


    Prize �Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest�: prize will be a sum of 500 euros and the winning piece will be on front cover of the �Trasimeno Blues History� CD.  

    Special Prize: �Trasimeno Blues Web Cartoon�: prize will be a sum of 250 euros.  

    In the event of a draw, the first prize will be divided between the winners.

    Every artist must justify the content of their own artwork. The works that the  Artistic Director receives could be chosen for publication, distribution and any type of use . Artworks will remain property of the organizing committee. All the competition participants understand and agree to the terms of the competition stated implicitly here, and accept, without any compensation, the exhibition of their artworks in or more shows in the art exhibition. They also agreed to its publication in books,  posters, bookmarks, t-shirts or cute hats, calendars or agendas and on all the information services. It will be obligatory for the name of the artist  and the country of origin and of the name of  Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest to be included in every publication.  

    8.  The Trasimeno Blues Festival  while remaining fully committed to the care  and protection of the works exhibited , does not take any responsibility for any theft, damage or loss that might occur involving these works from the moment they arrive till the close of the exhibition.
    9. Participation in the event which is completely free, implies total acceptance of
    these regulations. The Organising Committee has the right and the responsibility to give the final decision concerning controversial questions as well as on matters not explicitly provided for.  

    For further information:

    Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n�.4
    06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)
    Tel/Fax: +39075 828489
    (mon/fry 10.00am-13.00am)

    Application Form
    To be attached to the works  which must be delivered to:
    �Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest� �
    International competition of satirical design about Blues

    Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n�.4
    06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)


    Email: info@trasimenobluescartoonfest.com

    Surname and name:__________________________________
    C.a.p.__________________ City_________________________
    E �mail______________________________

    举报 回复

    # 466楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-23 10:57|

    Liu Zi Bo-China
    6th International cartoon
    contest (SYRIA 2010)

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    # 467楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-02-27 14:34|


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    # 468楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-01 10:05|

    18th Salon of Humor University of  Piracicaba BRAZIL

    REGULATION / 2010

    01 - The 18th Salon of Humor University of Piracicaba , organized by the Methodist University of Piracicaba, will be conducted in accordance with the following schedule:

    Registration: until May 28, 2010
    Selection of works: 07 june 2010
    Award: June 11, 2010

    02 - may subscribe exclusively to graduate students and post-graduate of any faculty or university, in the Registration Form accompanied by a document (or copy) proving to be a student with ties to academic coursework.

    -Political Cartoon: humor on the actual event occurred recently.
    -Cartoon: humor no necessary connection with any fact specific.
    CARTOON-portrait with anatomic distortion, usually of some famous personality known.
    -Comics (HQ): story told in sequential steps / frames.
    -ENVIRONMENT: topic category dedicated to works of graphic humor that deal specifically with issues ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL.

    Registration is free and can be made in person, by mail, or Internet.

    03 - Each participant can subscribe to as many categories as you wish, unlimited amount of jobs, his own authority and UNPUBLISHED, subject to cases of non-compliance with these conditions to the cancellation or forfeiture of prizes or entries received, without prejudice to other penalties that fit, including criminal.
    Note 1: copies will be accepted ( 'xerox', photograph or blueprints) of the work.
    Note 2: Can be sent Prints from digital files (computer), respecting the authorship and originality of the work (not published prior to the Hall).

    04 - The works sent by mail or delivered personally, shall be submitted as follows: 30x40 cm (or 12x16 inches.) Without any type of frame, with identification on the back containing your full name, country, phone, e-mail , the category that is running and the name of education institution (with letter legibly). The address for delivery or postage is:

    Salão Universitário de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP

    Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
    A/C: Laboratório de Comunicação
    Rodovia do Açúcar, Km 156 - C. Taquaral
    Caixa Postal 68 - CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil

    05 - will be accepted copies of the original Application Form, provided that legible.

    06 - The works sent over the Internet to salaodehumor@unimep.br, should have their file ending with the following characteristics: JPG, 300 dpi, RGB color, up to 2MB.

    07 - will be considered entered the work, in addition to meeting the requirements in items 02, 03, 04 and 06 are held by the Organizing Committee by 28 May 2010, in effect, to subscribers by mail, postmarked .

    08 - All entries in accordance with item 07, will undergo a pre-selection, and only those approved by the Selection Jury will compete for prizes.
    OBS-1: regardless of the number of entries by the authors (free), there will be the limit for the selection of a maximum of 03 works by each artist in each category.
    OBS-2: All entries will have their images reproduced for dissemination.

    AWARDS :

    09 - will be awarded several prizes,:
    a) three (03) cash prizes, totaling R$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais), divided as follows: 02 awards worth R$ 1,000.00 each, indicated by the award jury of all jobs selected (regardless of category); 01 prize of R$ 1,000.00 set by public vote (Popular Jury), via the Internet among all selected works (regardless of category);
    b) 08 prizes in the form of "Portfolio Special", prepared by the Organizing Committee consisting of: image of the winning work, history of the artist / author; endorsement of Hall University of Piracicaba Humor / UNIMEP / Jury Award; images of other works from the artist / author; contacts. The "Special Portfolio" will be sent to professionals in the areas of communication and art, press, agencies, directors / editors of art, other destinations identified by the Jury Award and the Organizing Committee. The artists chosen for the award "Special Portfolio" will deliver all the material requested by the Organization of the event until 45 (forty five) days after the establishment of the award.
    c) 01 Special Award / theme "Environment / Martha Watts Cultural Center in the amount of R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais), as the best work that addresses the issue ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL (as item category).
    Note: Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

    10 - The selection and award will be made, respectively, by a Selection Jury and a Jury Award, made both by people trained in the area.

    11 - The works awarded in accordance with items 08 and 09, are considered acquisitive Methodist University of Piracicaba. The possession, use and other rights in such work will belong to UNIMEP and CULTURAL CENTER MARTHA WATTS (Environmental Award), who reserve the right to make use of them as they choose.

    12 - The other papers can be withdrawn by the authors in person or through proxy, from August 26 to October 27, 2010, the same place of registration referred to in item 07, or by post, provided that the person send a declaration authorizing the shipment, payment to the post office when WITHDRAWAL (at the expense of the artist himself).

    13 - The Organizing Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba not responsible for any damage or loss of work sent by mail or sent over the Internet.

    14 - A simple configure automatic enrollment and full consent of the participant with this Regulation.

    15 - Issues not covered in these Regulations shall be resolved by the Organizing Committee, after hearing the Rectory.


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    # 469楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-01 14:04|


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    # 470楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-03 20:12|

    The Selection of the works for
    the first Fajr Cartoon contest-2010

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-03 20:15 编辑过。

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    # 471楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-04 17:15|



         1 - REGISTRATION: February 22 to April 22, 2010.

         The 2nd Hall Medplan Mood is open to all graphic artists Brazilians in charge or arrangements cartoon. The opening of the hall will be on May 20, 2010 with the release of the winners. Each artist may sign with the maximum of three (3) unpublished 30X40cm format and using any technique. On the back of each paper should include author's full name, address, e-mail, phone, ID number, Social Security and bank account.

         The artist may participate by sending their jobs through the site http://www.medplan.com.br, or send the originals to:

    2 Hall Medplan Mood
    Rua Coelho Rodrigues, 1921 - Center
    CEP: 64000-080
    Teresina - PI

         2 - BACKGROUND

         The theme of the 2nd Hall Medplan Mood be sedentary.

         The submissions will undergo a selection committee, composed of the organizers of the Salon Medplan Mood and guests.

         3 - AWARDS

         The best job in the hall, between cartoon and cartoon, you will receive a prize of $ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais). The second place will receive $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). Other awards may be instituted at the discretion of the organizing committee. The best works will be part of the exhibition hall Medplan Mood.

         Awards will be considered acquisitive and will become part of the collection of Medplan. The works will not be returned.

         May not participate in this hall Medplan officials and their relatives, nor anyone involved in your organization.

         Simply set up automatic enrollment of the participant agreement with all terms of this regulation.

         Other information: (86) 9975-2514

    Teresina / PI, February 18, 2010.

    José Cerqueira Dantas

    CEO 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-04 17:15 编辑过。

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    # 472楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-05 10:33|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-05 10:34 编辑过。

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    # 473楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-07 09:47|

    Let’s comics! 2010 competition on multicultural societies

    Are you ready to comic your world?!
    Four Italian and Lebanese associations - COSV, Insan Association, Najdeh and Samandal - have teamed up to create a contest where professional and non-professional comic writers and artists can submit their work. The contest, named “Let’s comics! 2010” is launched today - March 2nd, 2010 - and it will be running till May 31st, 2010. The contest will channel together the creativity of Euro-Mediterranean youth, addressing cartoonists aged 18-30 years old, and it will select up to 8 winners who will be invited to Lebanon for a week.
    The four NGO’s are asking the participants to comic their personal point of view about “Multicultural Societies”, in the framework of the project “A comics competition on multicultural societies”, funded by the Delegation of the European Union in Lebanon. Entries must be original and unpublished comics, and they’ll be selected by an international jury of artists and comic experts.
    Winners will be invited to attend a workshop in Beirut on comics as a tool of intercultural dialogue, and their work will be exhibited during a final event organized in Shatila Camp. The best stories will be considered as well for future publications.
    All interested over/underage cartoonists are more than welcome! Even if not entitled to win, their work be evaluated and it could be exhibited in the final event in Beirut in a special section, as well as judged for upcoming publications.
    Find all information and download the application form on www.letscomics.org/ .

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    # 474楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-08 00:52|

    The Results of the first Fajr International cartoon contest

    First Prize: Samaneh Neysani/Iran
    3000 Euro+Trophy+Honorable Mention

    Second Prize: Grzegorz Szumowski2 / Poland
    2000 Euro+Trophy+Honorable Mention

    Third Prize: Michael Kountoris / Greece
    1000 Euro+Trophy+Honorable Men

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-08 00:53 编辑过。

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    # 475楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-08 17:21|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-08 17:23 编辑过。

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    # 476楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-11 00:25|

    International contest of caricature and cartoon of Vianden 2010,共有80幅作品入选,中国入选作者: Xiao Qiang Hou-China

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    # 477楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-11 22:41|


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    # 478楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-13 10:15|


    8th Comic  Showroom VELES 2010


                   - Participation is open to all comic works artists from all over the world.

                   - Comic works entries can be from 1 to 6 pages long,  minimum 3 pictures
    and must be sent in A4 format (21x29, 7cm). Send only good print copy (300 dpi), the comic works will not be returned!   

                   -  ,Theme is free

    - Comic works  will be to send through post and e-mail.

                   - The text for the comic works can be on: Macedonian language (for the Macedonian authors),
    English, or one of the languages from EX JY countries (for the authors from these countries).

                   - Each artist(scenario,pencils ,inks,color…) can take part with only one comic works.

                   - The comic works entries can be submitted by more than one artist (but please specify who
    does what: scenario, pencils, inks, color...).

    Each participant must send: photography, short biography along with personal address, telephone,
    e-mail and the year when the comic works is made. Without this the submission will not be considered.

                   - All submitted comic workss will be represented properly and will take part on the Showroom in
    Veles, and other really possibilities for promotion.

                   - The best comic works will be selected by three member jury, which will give following awards:

                   1st award: “The Golden Comic works”,  logo and diploma

                   2nd and 3rd award a diploma.

                   Best scenario (script) award  a diploma

                   Award for the youngest author –a diploma

    Award up to 18 years - a diploma

    The deadline for entries is September 25 , 2010 y.

    and the comic works must be sent to the following address:

    Comic centre for Macedonia

    “For the  Comic competition”

    “Vasil Gorgov” street No 78,

    1400 Veles, R. Macedonia

    Or through e-mail: comicmk@yahoo.com

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    # 479楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-13 13:10|

    A Letter to All Cartoonists

    First cartoon website who started cartoon similarities was Tabriz Cartoons and then websites like Don Quichotte or Ismail Kar continued similarities in a serious way. Julian Pena-Pai has dedicated a long time for this issue. Results of contests started to have similarities or plagiarisms. Jurors started to have problems in making decisions. Cartoonists started to rethink their ideas and themes.

    Recently results of an Iranian national contest has made controversial issues and problems. A cartoonists claimed similarities about the winning cartoon, but jurors and winners started to insist strangely on the impossibility of any similarity. Days after, another cartoonist sent the similar cartoon published in 2004 Korea Comics Directory. But jurors and winners weren't content and accused the similar cartoon to be a montage.

    Now, we request all cartoonists around the world to check their cartoon books or library to see whether they have the book or not. The cover of the book and cartoon published inside that book comes below.

    Please inform us as soon as possible at tabrizcartoons@tabrizcartoons.com

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    # 480楼




