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2012 University Cartoon Contest on Environmental Protection

   2012第七届国际大学生环保漫画·插画大赛(2010 University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection)是由中国日报社主办,联合国环境规划署、世界自然基金会、环保部宣教中心、中华环保基金会、中国新闻漫画研究会联合主办,中国日报网、二十一世纪报、中国新闻漫画网承办的国际性大学生赛事。大赛以大学生为主体参与对象,为关注环保的人们提供一个交流的平台。大赛开始于2006年,由中国日报社(China Daily)发起,大赛每年举办一次,至今已成功举办了六届。

In 2012, the seventh University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection was hosted by China Daily, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Center For Environmental Education and Communications (CEEC),China Environmental Protection Foundation(CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society, China Daily Website, and the 21st Century English Educational media’s International College Students Competition. The competition focused on fostering college students’ interest in protecting the environment by creating a platform for communication. This competition was first held by China Daily in 2006 and has been successfully hosted yearly ever since.

   前六届大赛得到了包括清华大学、浙江大学、复旦大学、四川大学、山东大学、天津大学、厦门大学、同济大学、中央美术学院、中国美术学院、中国传媒大学等全国一百多所院校的参与和支持,投稿达1万多幅。在中国日报社举行的隆重颁奖仪式中,著名漫画家丁聪、方成、李滨声、缪印堂、徐鹏飞、王复羊、中国日报社常务副总编黄庆、中国日报副总编辑曲莹璞,联合国环境规划署驻华代表张世钢,世界自然基金会(瑞士)中国区首席代表Dermot O’Gorman,中国-欧盟生物多样性John MacKinnon博士、环境保护部宣教司宣传教育处处长林玉、北京奥组委环境部部长余小萱、中华环保基金会秘书长李伟、中国新闻漫画研究会会长孙以增、美国《国际漫画杂志》主编约翰A、兰特等出席了颁奖典礼。中央电视台、凤凰卫视、中国教育电视台、北京电视台、北京晨报,北京晚晚,竞报,中国环境报,中国文化报,新浪、搜狐、网易、人民网、奥运官方网站、美国《国际漫画杂志》等30多家主流新闻媒体对此次活动进行了报道。

Throughout the past five competitions, competitors have submitted more than 10,000 works. Over 100 universities from all over China have participated, including Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Sichuan University, Shandong University, Tianjin University, Xiamen University, Tongji University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art and Communication University of China. Students from as far as the United States, Korea, France, Brazil, Australia and Canada have shown interest in this contest and entered their works as well. Famous cartoonists Ding Chong, Fang Cheng, Li Bingsheng, Wang Fuyang, Deputy Chief Editor of China Daily, Huang Qing, Minister of the Environment Department of BOCOG, Yu Xiaoxuan, Secretary-General of the China Environment Protection Foundation, Li Wei and American International Cartoon Magazine Chief Editor John. A. Rand also attended the grand award ceremony held by China Daily. Dozens of prominent news agencies, including China Education Television, Beijing TV, Beijing Morning Post, Beijing Evening Post, The First Post, China Environment News, Sina.com, Sohu.com, Netease, People.com, the Beijing Olympics official site, and International Cartoon Magazine from the United States covered this event.


Environmental problems, such as global warming, cause nature and ecosystems to deteriorate rapidly. No matter where in the world, regardless of whether rich or poor, environmental protection is an issue needing public concern. It is vital we focus on protecting the environment and build a greener world. The purpose of this competition is to promote environmental awareness and environmental protection.


University students and other youths are the hope and future of society. Fostering a sense of the importance of environmental protection, as well as the ability to practice it, among university students is crucial to our society’s future. In light of severe environmental degradation, it is essential that university students take their responsibility to the environment seriously and spare no effort in protecting the it.

The seventh University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection started in September of 2011, and the award ceremony will be held in December 2011. The purpose of this competition was to publicize environmental protection, spread environmental awareness, and allow the idea of environmental protection to resonate with people everywhere through the use of cartoons. By collecting cartoons about environmental protection from students around the world, the competition popularizes an environmental conscience on campuses and creates awareness for the environmental problems around us. These cartoons demonstrate how associations should take actions to protect the environment and inspire teenagers to help save the environment. Hopefully as more and more students join the environmental protection movement, their positive impact will give rise to a change in the public conscience and encourage citizens to care about all of their surroundings and demonstrate this conscientiousness through their contributions to environmental protection.   
中国日报(China Daily):www.chinadaily.com.cn


中华环保基金会(China Environmental Protection Foundation):www.cepf.org.cn
中国新闻漫画研究会(China Newscartoon Society)

协 助 院 校 University partners
北京大学 清华大学 上海交通大学 浙江大学 重庆大学 复旦大学 四川大学 山东大学 武汉大学 天津大学 厦门大学 同济大学 中山大学
中央美术学院 中国美术学院 中国传媒大学 中国科学技术大学 北京师范大学 北京理工大学 四川美术学院 湖北美术学院 天津美院
西安美术学院 中国海洋大学 南开大学 江南大学 山东艺术学院 山东工艺美术学院 北京服装学院 北京电影学院 北京航空航天大学 北方工业大学
北京印刷学院 首都师范大学 北京林业大学 对外经济贸易大学 大连理工大学 山东理工大学 东南大学 中国石油大学 上海电影艺术学院
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人民网 中国网 国际在线 千龙网 中青网 央视国际 大江网 长江网 浙江在线 中安在线 四川在线 云网 山西新闻网
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