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  • lghshan138发表于2009-04-01 22:01|


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    # 541楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-04-01 22:37|

    祝贺朱自尊老师获得第17届巴西国际漫画大赛第一名!奖金 $ 1.000,00 ( 1000雷亚尔) 实力证明了一切!张卫

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    # 542楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-04-01 23:45|


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    # 543楼

  • 尹成伟发表于2009-04-02 09:47|

    贾老师,你有巴西国际Showrom环境幽默- 2009
    主题:城市污染 的E-mail吗?

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    # 544楼

  • zy7273发表于2009-04-02 16:38|

    这次比赛共分5个类别:Comical Cartoon, Caricature, Comics and Editorial Illustration。每类设一个第一名,我只是获Caricature第一名。
    Premiados do XVII Salão Internacional de Desenho para Imprensa

    Os premiados nas cinco categorias realizarão exposição no saguão do Centro Municipal de Cultura e recebem também prêmio no valor de R$ 1.000,00 em dinheiro.

    O júri, formado por Renato Garcia Santos (instrutor do Atelier Livre e coordenador do curso de Artes da Ulbra), João Francisco Alves (instrutor do Atelier Livre), Cylene Oliveira Dallegrave (artista plástica), José Guaraci Fraga (artista gráfico), Leandro Bierhals Bezerra (artista gráfico), selecionou 70 trabalhos entre 158 inscritos. Veja abaixo os nomes escolhidos:

    Premiado: Camilo Riani - Caricalendário,
    Menção Honrosa para Elenio Pico - Plumas Pelos e Escamas
    Menção Honrosa também para Marcin Bondarowicz - Dietetic Food.

    HISTÓRIA EM QUADRINHOS - Premiado: Jarbas Domingos de Oliveira Junior - Mundo Cão.

    CHARGE: Premiado: Renato Machado Gonçalves - Reforma Ortográfica
    Menção Honrosa: Luiz Carlos Fernandes - O abacaxi de Obama
    Menção Honrosa também para Bruno Cezar Galvão - Desemprego.

    Premiado: Rafa Camargo - Nature Song
    Menção honrosa para Jarbas Domingos de Oliveira - Carro
    Menção Honrosa também para Rafael Bittencourt Corrêa - Expulso.

    Premiado: Zhu Zizun - The Big Three
    Menção Honrosa para Diogo D"auriol Almeida - Alfred Hitchcock
    Menção Honrosa também para Ray Costa - Jô Soares

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    # 545楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-02 17:18|

    回复等漫友:我认真查了1下, 布宜诺斯艾利斯 主题为“有机、健康和自然生活/食品”的漫展邮箱是:anavon@hotmail.com

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    # 546楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-02 17:27|


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    # 547楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-02 18:06|


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    # 548楼

  • lghshan138发表于2009-04-02 20:46|


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    # 549楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 09:40|

    希腊2008 <TV  ETHNOS>之"TV  AND  CULTURE"主题漫画赛展览作品已选出,中国的\郭忠等漫画入选

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    # 550楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 09:40|


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    # 551楼

  • 巴.毕力格发表于2009-04-03 10:32|

    昨晚从西班牙寄来的电子邮件获悉:2009 年西班牙第三届国际漫画展览入选作品已确定
    2009年西班牙第三届国际漫画展览的主题是“进化与起源”,为达尔文诞辰200周年暨“进化论”发表150周年举办的国际展览,本次展览共收到44 国家的223位漫画家的 460 幅作品,陪审团最后选择189幅作品展出。中国由巴·毕力格、盖敔、郭忠、黄斌、贾锐军、张卫等6为漫画家参加,巴·毕力格和郭忠入选展览和画册。

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    # 552楼

  • 巴.毕力格发表于2009-04-03 10:57|

    本次大赛共收到48国家的232位漫画家的860幅作品,2009年度“金鼻奖”奖由秘鲁漫画家Omar Zevallos获得,自由选题一等奖:加拿大漫画家Oleg Dergachyov、二等奖:以色列漫画家Boris Erenburg、三等奖:中国的巴·毕力格分别获得。

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    # 553楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 12:28|

    收到第6届P0LAND之"FISH"主题漫赛画册,中国HENG YU 等的漫画作品入选画册,获得展览资格的都有画册.

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    # 554楼

  • 张新华发表于2009-04-03 15:01|


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    # 555楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 15:24|

    收到画册概有一个多月,中国有ZHANG  ZHONG  DAO  和HENG  YU

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    # 556楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-03 16:06|


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    # 557楼

  • 张新华发表于2009-04-03 16:24|

    谢谢你的消息,让我知道我的北京学生被收入画册,这个学生要考北影漫画专业。这样的成绩对他有用,可他至今没有收到画册,请您帮复印或扫描发我邮箱好吗?我的邮箱是:zhangxinhua1260@126.com 张新华  谢谢

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    # 558楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 16:33|


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    # 559楼

  • 张新华发表于2009-04-03 16:33|


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    # 560楼

  • 张新华发表于2009-04-03 16:38|


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    # 561楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-03 16:51|


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    # 562楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-05 09:51|

    主题国际PAPKINADA 2009 :恶魔不睡觉
    International Humor Contest PAPKINADA 2009 - Poland 国际幽默大赛PAPKINADA 2009年-波兰
    1. 1 。 International Humor Contest PAPKINADA 2009 is an open competition.国际幽默大赛PAPKINADA 2009年是一个开放的竞争。
    2. 2 。 The object of the competition are drawings, prints and other works of art and photo made in any technique, which are the originals (may be also the work done in computer technology in the form of high-quality print signed by hand) on the topic: "The devil does not sleep"的目的,竞争是图纸,打印和其他的艺术作品和照片作出的任何技术,这是正本(还可以做的工作计算机技术的形式,高品质的打印签署的手)关于这一专题: “魔鬼没有睡觉”
    3. 3 。 The work of award-winning in other competitions will be excluded from the contest工作屡获殊荣的其他比赛将被排除在竞赛
    4. 4 。 The format works - maximum A3 (297 x 420)格式工程-最高3号( 297 x 420 )
    5. 5 。 Work must be submitted or sent in the package to prevent damage by the deadline of 1 June 2009 (date arrival of the consignment to the organizer) to:工作必须提交或发送包中,以防止损害的最后期限2009年6月1日 (日抵达托运的组织者)到:
    Kołobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Twórczejul. Kołobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Twórczejul 。
    Kiemliczów 16, 78-100 Kołobrzeg POLAND Kiemliczów 16 , 78-100 Kołobrzeg波兰
    with a note: "PAPKINADA 2009"并附有说明: “ PAPKINADA 2009年”
    6. 6 。 Organizers do not assume responsibility for losses arising in transport.主办单位不承担责任的损失所引起的交通工具。
    7. 7 。 Please do not transfer the work electronically.请不要以电子方式转让工作。
    8. 8 。 Participation in the competition is free.参与竞争是免费的。 The author agrees to the public disclosure of the data in accordance with current provisions on the protection of personal data.作者同意向公众披露的数据,按照现行规定的关于保护个人资料。
    1. 1 。 The jury will award prizes following rules: GRAND PRIX of 3000 €.陪审团将颁发奖品下列规则:大奖赛3000 € 。 The extra prize.额外的奖金。
    2. 2 。 In the final distribution of awards, the jury have the right to regulate, change their amount or not to grant or not grant GRAND PRIX.在最后分配的奖项,评审委员会有权管理,改变其数额或不给予或不给予大奖赛。 Jury decisions are final.评审委员会的决定是最终的。 The results of the competition will be announced until 20 June 2009, at: http://www.papkinada.prv.pl/比赛结果将另行公布,直到2009年6月20号,在: http://www.papkinada.prv.pl/
    The award is subject to tax in accordance with current requirements.该奖项是受税收按照现行的要求。 The condition of payment of prize money is their authors arrive at the opening of the exhibition or for the designated by the Author his bank account or address.条件下支付的奖金是他们的作者得出了展览开幕或作者指定的银行帐户或地址。 Condition for granting awards of property authors is their arrival at the opening of the exhibition.条件给予赔偿财产作者是到达展览开幕。
    1. 1 。 The authors whose work selected for the exhibition will be eligible for free catalog.作者的作品入选展览将有资格获得免费的目录。
    2. 2 。 Organizers provide free entrance for winners participated in the event PAPKINADA 2009 on 3-5.07.2009r.组织者免费提供入口的优胜者参加了这一活动PAPKINADA 2009年3 5.07.2009r 。
    Source: http://hajnos.miroslaw.w.interia.pl/cc30.htm来源: http://hajnos.miroslaw.w.interia.pl/cc30.htm

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    # 563楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 11:06|

    希腊著名电视杂志<TV ENTHONS>2008年"TV  AND  CULTURE"国际漫画赛收到几千幅作品,出乎主办方意料,为此主办方准备续办此项赛事.2008年共计展览256幅,中国的郭忠\LENGMU\YANG XIOMG YU(杨向宇?)\ 朱承\顾万发\乔维共计6人入选展览.

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    # 564楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 11:09|

    还有ZHANG   ZHONG   DAO 先生的漫画

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    # 565楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 11:18|


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    # 566楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 18:11|

    Jin xiao xing
    Jia rui jun
    Dai Pei Cheng
    Huang Weiqin
    Xue Hong  
    Gai Gui Bao
    Zhang Wei
    Huang Weiqin   
    Yang Xiang Yu  
    Yang Yang   
    Guo Zhong
    Zhang Yifan  
    Li Xiaoyang     
    Xiaoqiang Hou  
    Fan Jun
    Zhang Wei
    Guangjun Li  
    Gong Tao

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    # 567楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 18:19|

                            The results XV. International Cartoon Contest "Golden Keg / Zlat&yacute; súdok 2009"

    Grand Prix - Zlat&yacute; súdok 2009 / Golden Keg 2009: Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)

    1. Prize: Miroslav Mrazek (Czech Republic)
    2. Prize: Jan Hruby (Czech Republic)
    3. Prize: Tomasz Król (Poland)

    Pivovar Saris Prize: Oleksiy KUstovskyi (Ukraine)
    Prize town Prešov - ex aequo: Husseyin Cakmak (Cyprus), Marek Gliwa (Poland)
    Prize Igor Ševčík - Lukas Cehlár (Slovakia)
    Prize RO SSN - Daniel Strzelczyk (Poland)
    Price Beer Gallery - Miroslav Bartak (Czech Republic)
    Price Bulgarian Cultural Institute: Wojciech Ataman (Poland)

    Honorable mentions:
    Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria)
    Husan M. Sodiqou (Uzbekistan)
    Zhang Wei (China)
    Bretislav Kovarik (Czech Republic)
    L. Lillian Amann Jaeger (Germany)
    Ivajlo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
    Jacek Kawa (Poland)
    Run Tang Li (China)
    Boris Erenburg (Israel)
    Andrey Klimov (Russia)
    Wolfgang Schlegel (Germany)
    Mustafa Yildiz (Turkey)
    Fedrnando Huncapie Echeverri - Pica (Colombia)
    Ural Cranberry Club Caricaturists, Ozersk (Russia)
    Xin Wan He, 7-year (China)
    Zhang Si Gi, 10-year, (China)

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    # 568楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-04-05 18:21|


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    # 569楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2009-04-06 10:12|

    17th University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba - Brazil 2009 第17届大学幽默展皮拉-巴西2009年

    01 - The 17th Universitarian Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/UNIMEP, organized by the Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba - UNIMEP (Methodist University of Piracicaba), will be held in accordance with the following schedule: 01 -第17届Universitarian幽默展皮拉/ UNIMEP举办的大学Metodista日皮拉西卡巴- UNIMEP (卫理公会大学的皮拉) ,将在按照时间安排如下:
    Applications until: May 25th, 2009申请日期: 2009年5月25日
    Art selection: June 1th , 2009艺术的选择: 2009年6月1日
    Awards: June 5th, 2009奖项: 2009年6月5日

    02 - Only students enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate program, of any University or College acknowledged by its local government, can apply to the Universitarian Humor Exhibition. 02 -只有学生在本科生或研究生课程,任何大学或学院承认其地方政府,可以适用于Universitarian幽默展览。 They must send the Application Form together with a document that can prove his enrollment in a University or College.他们必须递交申请表连同一份文件,它可以证明他的入学率在大学或学院。

    CHARGE: humoristic drawing related to a recent fact负责人:滑稽绘图最近有关事实
    CARTOON: humoristic drawing with no relation with any specific fact卡通:滑稽的图纸,没有与任何具体的事实
    CARICATURE: face reproduction with anatomic distortion, usually from a well-known person.漫画:面对生殖解剖失真,通常来自于一个众所周知的人。
    COMIC STRIP: sequential story in stages/frames.连环画:连续故事阶段/帧。
    SPECIAL: thematic category specific to humor artworks that deal with ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL issues.特别声明:专题分类的具体幽默艺术品处理环境/生态问题。

    There is no charge or cost for the application and it can be done in person or by electronic or regular mail.没有任何费用或成本的应用,它可以在人或以电子方式或普通邮件。
    03 - Each participant can apply to as many categories as he or she wishes, with no limit regarding the quantity of works sent. 03 -每个参与者可以适用于许多类别的他或她的愿望,就没有任何限制的数量,作品寄出。 However, THEY MUST BE FROM HIS OWN AUTHORSHIP AND NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED BEFORE.然而,他们必须从自己的作者身份和从未前出版。 In the cases where these conditions are not followed, the committee will proceed with the cancellation of the application or the annulling of the awards and the mentions received.的情况下,这些条件没有得到遵守,委员会将着手取消申请或取消的奖励和提到收到。 In addition, the committee may decide to take legal action against the transgressor.此外,委员会可决定采取法律行动transgressor 。
    Obs 1: COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (photocopies, photography, heliography) of the artworks.观测1 :文件将不予接纳(影印,摄影, heliography )的艺术品。
    Obs 2: Artworks made in the computer and printed will be accepted since they follow the rules of authorship and must not have been published before.光突发交换2 :艺术品中的电脑和印刷会接受,因为他们遵循的著作权,不得在已出版。

    04 - The Artworks sent by email or delivered in person must respect the following observations: 30 x 40 centimeters (12x16 inches), no frames attached, identification in the overleaf containing first and last name, country, telephone, e-mail, the category in which the specific artwork is being submitted and the name of Educational Institute (write in print). 04 -的作品通过电子邮件发送或交付的人必须遵守以下意见: 30 × 40厘米( 12x16英寸) ,没有帧重视,确定在接下包含第一个和最后一个名称,国家,电话,电子邮件,分类在这种特定的艺术作品正在提交的名称和教育学院(写在打印) 。 The address is:地址是:

    Salao Universitario de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP Salao Universitario日笑林日皮拉/ UNIMEP
    Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba大学Metodista日皮拉西卡巴
    A/C: Laboratorio de Comunicacao阿/ :实验室Comunicacao
    Rodovia do Acucar, Km 156 - C. Taquaral Rodovia做糖,公里156 -角Taquaral
    Caixa Postal 68 - CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil邮政储蓄银行68 -临时选举委员会: 13400-911皮拉/的SP /巴西
    Telefone: 55 (19) 3124-1611电话: 55 ( 19 ) 3124-1611

    05 - Copies of the Application Form will be accepted if they are perfectly readable. 05 -索取申请表格将被接受,他们完全有可读性。

    06 - The Artworks sent by e-mail to salaodehumor@unimep.br must be formatted in JPEG, 300 dpi, limit file size: 2MB. 06 -艺术品发送电子邮件salaodehumor@unimep.br必须以JPEG格式, 300 dpi的,限制文件大小: 2MB的。 Other procedures for sending an electronic file can be found at www.unimep.br/salaodehumor .其他程序发送电子文件可在www.unimep.br / salaodehumor 。

    07 - The applications will be valid if, besides the observation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th items, are received by the Organizational Committee until May 25th, 2009. 07 -中的应用将是有效的,如果除了观察第二次,第三次,第四和第六的项目,在收到的组织委员会,直到2009年5月25日。 For the application by mail, the date of postage will be considered.适用的邮件,邮资的日期将被视为。

    08 - All valid Artworks applied will be submitted to a pre-selection process, and only these will be eligible for the awards. 08 -适用于所有有效艺术品将提交采用了预选程序,只有这些将有资格获得该奖项。
    Obs: All applied Artworks can be reproduced by UNIMEP with the purpose of promoting the Universitarian Humor Exhibition.开放式保税仓系统:全部采用艺术品可以被复制的UNIMEP ,目的是促进Universitarian幽默展览。


    09 - The following awards will be granted: 09 -下列奖将被授予:
    a) Three (03) awards in cash of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais) each. a )三( 03 )奖现金的R $ 1.000,00 ( 1000币)每个。 Two of them will be given by the Award Jury.其中两人将所给予奖评审委员会。 The third award will be granted to the winner of an open Internet Election.第三个奖项将授予获得一个开放的互联网选举。 All categories are eligible for these awards.所有类别有资格获得这些奖项。
    b) Eight “Special Portfolio” awards, that will be elaborated by the Organizational Committee with the following composition: the awarded Artwork; the history of the artist; a letter of recommendation from the Universitarian Humor Exhibition, UNIMEP and the Award Jury; reproduction of other Artworks from the artist and contact information. b ) 8名“特别组合”奖,这将是制定组织委员会组成如下:获奖作品;历史上的艺术家的推荐信从Universitarian幽默展览, UNIMEP和奖评审委员会;复制其他艺术作品的艺术家和联系信息。 The “Special Portfolio” will be sent to professionals from the area of communication and arts, press, organizations, directors of art, and other destinations pointed by the jury and by the Organizational Committee. “特别组合”将被派往该地区的专业人士的沟通和艺术,新闻,组织,导演的艺术,和其他目的地指出由陪审团和组织委员会。 The selected artists for the award “Special Portfolio” must send all the material needed to the Organization of the event until 45 days after the award ceremony.选定的艺术家奖“特别组合”必须向所有需要的材料组织的活动,直到45天之后的颁奖仪式。
    c) 01 Special/thematic Award ‘Meio Ambiente/”Centro Cultural Martha Watts”’, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais), given to the best artwork that deals with ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL issues (according to the item “Categories”)三) 01特别/专题奖'杜梅尤环境/ “玛莎瓦文化中心” ,在价值的R $ 1.000,00 ( 1000币) ,给予最好的艺术作品,涉及环境/生态问题(根据项目的“类别” )
    Obs: Other awards and mentions can be created by the Organizational Committee.开放式保税仓系统:其他奖项,并提到了可以创建的组织委员会。

    10 - The selection of the Artworks to be presented in the Exhibition and the selection of the winners will be conducted, respectively, by the Selection Jury and the Award Jury. 10 -挑选的艺术品将在展览和挑选优胜者将进行,分别由推选奖评审委员会和评审委员会。 Members of the Jury are people with acknowledgeable talent in the area.评审委员会委员的人acknowledgeable人才在该地区。

    11 The awarded Artworks in conformity with items 8 and 9, will be considered property of the Methodist University of Piracicaba. 11批艺术品符合项目8和9 ,将被视为财产的卫理公会大学的皮拉。 The ownership, utilization rights and any other rights over the Artwork will pertain to UNIMEP, that maintains to itself the right to use it as wanted.所有权,使用权及任何其他权利的作品将涉及UNIMEP ,维护自身的权利,把它作为通缉。

    12 - The non awarded Artworks can be withdrawn by the authors in person or by written permission to a third party in the period from August 26th to October 27th, 2009. 12 -不批艺术品可被撤销的作者亲身或以书面许可给第三方,在此期间从8月26号至10月27号, 2009年。 in the same location mentioned in item 07.在同一位置中提到的项目07 。 The Artworks can also be returned by mail; for that the author must send a written request authorizing the mailing of the work, which will be paid by the recipient.作品还可以返回的邮件;的,作者必须发出书面请求授权邮寄的工作,这将是由收件人支付。

    13 - The Organizational Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba are not responsible for eventual damage or loss of the artworks sent by mail. 13 -由组织委员会和卫理公会大学的皮拉不负责最终损害或损失的艺术品发出的邮件。

    14 - The formalization of the application will indicate that the participant is in accordance with this regulation. 14 -正式的申请将表明,参加者按照本条例。

    15 - Problems not foreseen by this regulation will be solved by the Organizational Committee and the President of UNIMEP. 15 -问题不能预见的这个条例将解决组织委员会主席和UNIMEP 。

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