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  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:07|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-07 17:17 编辑过。

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    # 61楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:08|


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    # 62楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:09|


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    # 63楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:10|

    获奖作品.ARES的那幅已获叙利亚2009年"NO  WAR"之特别奖.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-07 17:19 编辑过。

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    # 64楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:11|


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    # 65楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:12|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-07 17:14 编辑过。

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    # 66楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-07 17:13|


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    # 67楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-10 11:23|

    The 9th Tehran International(第9届伊朗国际漫画双年展览)
    Cartoon Biennial / 2009

    The 9th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial
    organizing committee invites cartoonists
    from all over the World to participate in this contest.

    1-The contest is open to all cartoonists.
    2- The contest will be in four categories:(漫赛有4类型)
    A) Cartoon (Two Sections)
    Theme: 1. Fear
    2. Free
    B) Comic strip, theme: Free
    C) Caricature, theme: Political portraits
    and Free

    3) THE PRIZES:
    Grand Prize: 8000$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
    (The main cartoon theme)
    Firs Prize: 2000$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
    Second Prize: 1500$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
    Third Prize: 1000$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
    The first to Third Prize will be awarded separately for
    each section of the contest.
    The jury panel of he 9th Tehran Cartoon Biennial will also award 10 selected artists with Honorable Mentions.
    Special Prizes will be offered by various Sponsors, Establishments, Associations, Newspapers and Agencies.

    4) A maximum of 3 works in each section can be submitted by the participating cartoonists.

    5) The dimensions of works should not exceed the minimum 20*30cm
    and maximum 30*40cm

    6) Comic strip must be presented in one page and without any words.

    7) Only original artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame,
    accompanied by the entry form and author?s short biography and photo. 8) Quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be accepted as originals as long as they are hand signed by the author, accompanied by the digital file of the artwork in Tiff format with 300 Dpi resolution on a CD. No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.

    9) Name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail of the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon

    10) The choice of technique is free, color or B&W and etc.

    11) The deadline :22, October 2009
    Depending on the posting date

    12) The participating cartoons will not be returned.

    13) All Cartoonists whom their cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.

    14) The organizers will do their best to protect all submitted
    cartoons from any probable damage, but takes no responsibility
    of the damages caused by post or bad transport.

    15) The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them in any from.

    16) All participants are considered to accept all the conditions.

    17) All works must be sending to the following address:
    Iranian house of cartoon, No.44,Golnabi (Ketabi) St.,
    Shariati Ave, Tehran, I.R. Iran

    18) For further information, Visit our website or email us:
    Email: info@irancartoon.com

    Tel: (+98 21) 22868600-22846928
    Fax: (+98 21) 22867080

    Entry Form

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-10 11:26 编辑过。

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    # 68楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 08:20|

    "Pencil in the North" International Cartoon Competition 2009 - France

    ARTICLE 1: Organiser, association 49+ la BD Francophone, head office 91,rue d’Austerlitz 59200 Tourcoing, France, is the organizer of a press and humorous drawing competition open to anyone, amateurs and professionals. This production must obligatorily have this topic: "Reconsidering culture masterpieces funnily"
    ARTICLE 2: Competition criteria: Support:画幅: use A4 format ( 21 x 29.7 cm). The technical methods used by the cartoonist are totally free, French/English text. The original drawing must be sent in the following form: the drawing must not be folded, and a short biography must be attached to the drawing. Cartoonists who are minors must attach permission to participate and authorization for publication from parents or legal guardians in favour of Francine COPPENS, Association 49+ la B.D. Francophone, 25 rue du General Marchand F – 59200 TOURCOING - FRANCE(未成年者的相关规定)
    This authorization from parents or legal guardians must contain surname, first name, address, telephone number, and E-Mail of legal representative.
    ARTICLE 3: (时间:2009年8月31)Stages in the competition: The competition begins on 15th August 2009. Francine COPPENS, association 49+ la BD Francophone, 25 rue du General Marchand, F – 59200 TOURCOING - FRANCE, must receive drawings entered by participants no later than the 31 August 2009.
    ARTICLE 4: Participants: Present: Public concerned: draughtsmen amateurs or professionals. Are not authorized to take part in the contest: members of the board of directors of association 49+ the French-speaking data base, the jury like their close relations.
    ARTICLE 5: Registration: For all entrants, each entry must contain: surname, first name, address, post code, town or city, country, telephone number, E-mail, a short biography, and parental authorization for minors.(作品应有姓名等等信息)
    ARTICLE 6: Criteria of admissibility: The criteria of admissibility are: respecting the theme - originality of the idea submitted - the humour and quality of the drawing. Work considered outside the subject will be disqualified, as will drawings of defamatory and/or racist characters, or characters likely to damage the physical and moral integrity of others. Entrants must also be aware of all these rules, and respect all the instructions.(评选标准:主题相符\幽默\绘画技术)
    ARTICLE 7: Terms and Conditions: Entrants of age and legal representatives of entrants who are minors undertake to give all performance rights and rights of reproduction on all types of communication support for written or web based diffusion to the organizers of the competition. From the very fact of their participation, the authors guarantee the organizers and members of the jury against any action, petition, or appeal by third parties concerning the originality of work presented.
    Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the present rules. Only one entry per amateur or professional cartoonist is allowed. Drawings will not be returned.
    In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, entrants have right of access and amendment.
    The association 49+ la BD Francophone, it representatives, members, and organisers cannot be held responsible for lost, damaged, or illegal entries.
    ARTICLE 8: The jury: will be composed of 7 people, professional press illustrators and humorous cartoonists, members of association 49+ la BD Francophone, journalists who write for the press, and press attaches. The jury will meet to deliberate before September 10th. There is no appeal against decisions taken by the jury.
    ARTICLE 9: Competition prizes:(奖励:三名,各Euro750\500\350,另有50幅作品入选画册)
    The 50 preselected drawings will illustrate the catalogue of the international cartoonist 2009 competition.
    Three prizes will be awarded:
    1st prize: Prix de la Ville de Tourcoing (Town of Tourcoing prize), the winner will receive: Crayon en Nord trophy (Pencil in the North trophy) and the sum of Euro 750 (seven hundred and fifty Euro).
    2nd prize: Prix du Public; the winner will receive: Crayon en Nord trophy and the sum of Euro 500 (five hundred Euro).
    3rd prize: Prix de l’Association 49+ la BD Francophone; the winner will receive: Crayon en Nord trophy and the sum of Euro 350 (three hundred and fifty Euro).
    These people will be informed of the results by post or E-mail, and after its editing, each person will receive a catalogue.
    Winners will receive their catalogue at the address submitted on their entry form.
    The three winners will be contacted by the association 49+ la BD Francophone in order to obtain relevant bank details for the transfer of the prize monies.
    ARTICLE 10: The present rules are available on the web site: http://www.bdfrancophone.fr/, as well as from the address of:

    地址:Francine COPPENS, the association "49+ la BD Francophone", 25 rue du General Marchand, F – 59200 Tourcoing - FRANCE.
    As this is a competition, no expenses will be reimbursed.
    49+ la BD Francophone Maison Maria et Gustave Dron, 91 rue d'Austerlitz F 59200 TOURCOING
    Tel: - E-mail: bdfrancophone@free.fr
    Web site: http://bdfrancophone.fr/
    Siret[1]: 44010761300026 - code APE 913 E
    [1] SIRET is a fiscal number used in France to identify a business location (Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des Etablissements)
    Source: tabrizcartoons

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-13 09:17 编辑过。

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    # 69楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 08:49|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-13 15:57 编辑过。

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    # 70楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 18:40|

    巴西漫画网的"BEST  DAY'S  HUMOUR"栏目,由一个评委会从每天接收的世界各地的漫画中选择他们认为最好的3幅予以发布,没有合格的,宁可缺少或不新发布,并且编辑每月电子画册.另每年还视费用情况出版纸质画册或电子CD画册,送给作者.从"BEST  DAY'S  HUMOUR"栏目的作品看,特别欢迎幽默及肖像画.

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    # 71楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 18:51|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-13 19:15 编辑过。

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    # 72楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 19:00|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-13 19:15 编辑过。

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    # 73楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 19:13|


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    # 74楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 19:14|


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    # 75楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-13 19:26|


    Ba Bilig
    Tang Xian Bin
    Zhang Sheng Bo
    Dai Pei Cheng
    Szu Ming Chung
    Li Xiang Dong
    Cai Wei Dong
    Pei Dong
    Liu Cheng Feng
    Wei Gao
    Li Pei Gen
    Lu Guo-hong
    Tang Haifeng
    Ma Hengchao
    Zhao Yunsheng Hi
    Hong Shun Hai
    Zhang Hua
    Zhang Jiakou
    Zhang Jingbin
    Li Jingshan
    Wang Jinhai
    Fan Jun
    Jia Rui Jun
    Lian Li
    Run Tang Li
    Jian Ren
    Li Runquan
    Wang Rui Sheng
    Cao Shengli
    Cheng Shibi
    Fan Lin Tao
    Yang Zaiqi
    Mengya Zhao
    Guo Zhong
    Li Zhong
    Tang Xianbin
    Li Xiaoyang
    Hou Xiaoqiang
    Sun Bao Xin
    Zhang Jiia Xue
    Wu Shi Xue
    Zhang Yaming
    Wang Hai Yan
    Chen Shang Yi
    Wang Yinxiang
    Sun Shen Ying
    Guo Ye
    Cheng Wei Yin
    Cai You
    Gai Yu
    Yang Xiang Yu
    Yang Xing Yun
    Zhang Wei

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    # 76楼

  • 我爱漫画发表于2009-05-14 13:13|

    .. 本贴最后由 我爱漫画 于 2009-05-15 10:22 编辑过。

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    # 77楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-15 08:22|

    CARTOON  组:

    First Prize:                                                                GABRIEL RUSU-Romania
    Second Prize:                                                        Dobarta Lucian loan (LuciDO)-Romania

    Third Prize:                                                               Marcin Bondarowicz-Poland

    Honorable Mentions:

    Jordan Pop Iliev-Macedonia                                           Margareta Chitcatii Pelin-Moldova                                   Ciosu Constantin-Romania                                              Elrayah Ombaddi Abu Baker-Sudan                                Bobo Pernecky-Slovakia 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-15 08:36 编辑过。

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    # 78楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-15 08:37|

    First Prize:                                                                        Hakan ARSLAN-Turkey
    Second Prize:                                                                      Érico Junqueira Ayres-Brasil

    Third Prize:                                                                     Marian Avramescu -Romania

    Honorable Mentions:

    Silvano Mello-Brasil                                                             Raul Alfonso Grisales-colombia                                          Vladimir Motchalov -Russia                                               Raed Khalil-Syria                                                           Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia Manohead-Brazil

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    # 79楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-15 08:41|

    A Nicola Bucci (Bucnic) project in collaboration with Trasimeno Blues Festival“Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest” International Competition of satirical design

    1.       Trasimeno Blues Festival, presents its first edition of “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest: International competition of satirical design dedicated to Blues”

    2.      The theme of the competition: “The Blues”

    The artwork must be developed on a single table in the maximum size UNI A4 (cm. 21 x 29.7), coloured or black & white. The artworks must not have been published in the past. Participation is for free, open to artists of any nationality. For minors require a permission of a parent or his representative. Each author may participate with one artwork.

    Entries must be sent together with the registration form in full, duly completed and signed no later than Sunday 21 June 2009 at:

    by e-mail at: info@trasimenobluescartoonfest.com (.jpg – 300 dpi)

    by regular mail at: “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest “ - Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n°.4 - 06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG) – Italia

    3.        . The artworks must indicate on the back: name, surname and address of the author. The artworks will not be refunded. The artworks will be published on the official web sites of the competition

    4.       A Committee will choose the 30 most impressive artworks of the competition.  The 30 finalist artworks will be published on official web sites of the competition.

    The winner will be declared by online votation.

    5.       The artworks which make it to the final stage of the competition will be published in the program booklets and will be exhibited for 11 days during the Trasimeno Blues Festival.

    The winner  will immediately be notified and invited as a guest of Trasimeno Blues Festival, on August 1th to collect the prize.

    6.       Prizes:

    First prize will be a sum of 250 euros and the winning piece will be on front cover of the Trasimeno Blues Festival  CD.  In the event of a draw, the first prize will be divided between the winners.

    7.       Every artist must justify the content of their own artwork. The works that the  Artistic Director receives could be chosen for publication, distribution and any type of use . All the competition participants understand and agree to the terms of the competition stated implicitly here, and accept, without any compensation, the exhibition of their artworks in or more shows in the art exhibition and the following publication of he catalogue. They also agreed to its publication in books,  posters, bookmarks, t-shirts or cute hats, calendars or agendas and on all the information services. It will be obligatory for the name of the artist  and the country of origin and of the name of  Trasimeno Blues Caroon Fest to be included in every publication.  

    8.  The Trasimeno Blues Festival  while remaining fully committed to the care  and protection of the works exhibited , does not take any responsibility for any theft, damage or loss that might occur involving these works from the moment they arrive till the close of the exhibition.

    9. Participation in the event which is completely free, implies total acceptance of
    these regulations. The Organising Committee has the right and the responsibility to give the final decision concerning controversial questions as well as on matters not explicitly provided for.  

    For further information:

    Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n°.4

    06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)


    Tel/Fax: +39 075 828489
    (mon/fry 10.00am-13.00am)

    Application Form

    To be attached to the works  which must be delivered to:

    “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest” –

    International competition of satirical design about Blues

    Gabbiano Jonathan - Via G.Bellezza n°.4

    06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)


    Email: info@trasimenobluescartoonfest.com


    Surname and name:__________________________________


    C.a.p.__________________ City_________________________



    E –mail_____________________                           


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-15 08:42 编辑过。

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    # 80楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-15 08:46|

    布鲁斯(美国南部黑人之爵士音乐及舞步) 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-15 08:52 编辑过。

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    # 81楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-05-16 16:44|

    祝贺候晓强老师获2009美国国家自由博物馆“和平之梦 ”国际漫画奖成人组第一名(奖金1000美元)!今年他还在由北京市科学技术协会主办,北京科普发展中心承办的“2008北京科普动漫创意大赛”获漫画组第一名(奖金10000人民币),近年他还在中国最高规格动漫节获首届“美猴奖”第一名(奖金几万元),还有中央电视台第二届环境漫画大赛等许多大获头奖,奖金都可观。祝牛年每个漫画作者都牛!张卫。

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    # 82楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-05-16 16:46|


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    # 83楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-05-16 16:50|



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    # 84楼

  • 郭忠发表于2009-05-17 13:37|


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    # 85楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2009-05-17 21:39|

    郭忠老师您好!我永远是学生,全国漫画作者都是我的好战友,战友获胜是我最开心的事!大家扭成一根绳,力量无比。很多人默默地为漫画做奉献,去年搞全国抗震救灾漫画大展,我将制作好的获奖证书寄到北京,请张耀宁老师盖章,张耀宁老师盖好章后,怕寄出路上不安全,自已亲自背一大包获奖证书走到邮局贴钱按最贵的寄出。我跟张新华老师通电话,他听到他教的小学生获奖了,比他自己获奖还高兴!他教小学生学漫画已提升到素质高度,为扩大漫画影响力和高度在不懈奋斗!他创作《挖井》漫画用在高考试题上,为提升漫画地位、扩大漫画影响力起了很大作用!今天我看电视一位外国领导说我会一句中国话:“互相帮助,互相学习”。 郭忠、候晓强、李润堂、巴比力格、李景山等老师今年都在国际漫画赛中为中国获奖有新突破!祝贺!张卫

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    # 86楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-22 13:21|


    1.     The National Humor Foundation invites you to the 26th International Humor Exhibition of Piauí/Brazil, which takes place at Clube dos Diários, 4 de Setembro Theater, Pedro II Square, Central de Artesanato, Antonino Freire Avenue, Liberdade Square, São Benedito Square, São Benedito Church’s churchyard and Frei Serafim Avenue, from 1st to 07th of July 2009;

    2.     The works can be presented through cartoons (主题:环境,theme Environment), 30x40cm, digitalized in 300dpi, RGB color, JPG format – medium quality – at a 1,5MB limit, sent via internet to the following address: salao@salaodehumordopiaui.com

    3.     Each contestant will be able to send up to 03 (每位作者可以传送3幅,three) cartoons about the theme environment;

    4.     The winner gets a R$ 10,000.00 prize (ten thousand reais);

    5.     时间:The cartoons must be sent up to (6月20,June 20th 2009, and must be with the organizers until june 21th;

    6.     The works awarded will be part of the National Humor Foundation’s catalog;

    7.     The National Humor Foundation claims the right to publish the cartoons for promotion purposes and use them in educational projects developed by the entity in public schools.

    Fundação  Nacional do Humor

    Rua das Orquídeas  640 – Praça Ocílio Lago  – Fátima

    64048-160 – Teresina – Piauí – Brazil




    Nome / Name

    Endereço / Address

    Cidade / City                                                                  

    CEP / Zip Code

    Estado / State                                                                 

    País / Country

    Telefone / Telephone Number                                    

    Doc. de Identidade /  Identification card

    Conta Bancária / Bank Account                                   

    Agência / Agency   

    N° de Trabalhos / Namber of work pieces



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    # 87楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-05-29 08:56|

    Festival Economia 2009 国际漫赛的主题(IDENTITY AND GLOBAL CRISIS )应理解为:全球性危机中的自我或身份认同 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-05-29 09:03 编辑过。

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    # 88楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-06-08 10:53|

    ODESA 漫画赛

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    # 89楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-06-11 00:55|

    简论   2006漫赛优秀作品画中汉字发表时看不清晰,所以无法知道两幅画立意是否相似,若不相似,似可以视为创新,两幅画的名字不一样.不过即使相似亦应属雷同而已.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-10-14 11:08 编辑过。

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    # 90楼




